Scottish Child Payment

Today sees the launch of the Scottish Child Payment – a new benefit from Social Security Scotland that is aimed at tackling child poverty in Scotland.


The new payment will see the equivalent of £10 per week being paid for every child under the age of 6 living in a low income household and receiving a qualifying benefit such as Universal Credit, Pension Credit or one of the legacy benefits (Child tax or working tax credits; income support, income based JSA or income related ESA). The new benefit will be rolled out to every child under 16 by the end of 2022 with payments being made on a 4 weekly basis.


Applications were accepted from November but despite this and a high profile campaign by Social Security Scotland, take up has been disappointing with less than 45% of eligible applications having been made. It is anticipated that there are still around 100,000 children in Scotland who are eligible for this payment but no claim has yet been made. That means a family with two qualifying children could be losing out on more than £1000 per year.


The payments are made 4 weekly and applications couldn’t be simpler. You can apply online at or by telephone on 0800 182 222.

(If you need any help applying for this please let me know on 01290338404 or 079334162412 – Tracey Bradford)

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