All posts by Guy

Yo I have 250+ wins on fortnite hit me up m8 I don't play apex its trash so hit me up to play some duos

hey netherthird

hi netherthird! ive been doing great at the academy and it is better than the primary without a doubt. nah I’m kiddin,                        or Am I?

I’m GOiNg tO bE Happy when YoU aRe HeRE So I cAnT CaLL yoU A Primary wain


by Guy 🙂

Primary 2/3

In primary 2/3 they have been doing a lot more things since we visited last week, 1 thing they were doing was money, when we visited there was a girl in the corner working very hard at the cash register. There were also literacy work sheets up on the wall that they have been working hard on too, they have also been doing their 2 and 5 timestable.