Primary 7

As we hurtle towards the last day of Primary 7 I have attached the PowerPoint of photographs from Dumfries House and memories of P7 that was shown at the Leavers’ Assembly. Due to the size of the file I have had to split this into 3 documents.

I hope you can access this an enjoy the photographs.

Best wishes, Mrs Sommerville

Dumfries House Part 1

Dumfries House Part 2

Dumfries House Part 3


Health Week

P7 enjoyed a taster boxing session today as part of the whole school Health Week.





Walk to school with crazy hair P7 style!



Day 4

Apologies for no morning update yesterday. The wifi was down!

It’s another beautiful morning here. Packing is underway and then we will get started on our activities for today. There are lots of tired but happy faces looking forward to seeing you all soon.


Day 2

It’s a beautiful morning here! We are just having breakfast and getting organised for our activities. Everybody is having a great time!

We have arrived safe and sound at Dumfries House. Everyone is unpacked, beds are made, the sun is shining and we are getting ready to start our first activities.



World Book Day reading with our friends in P1/2. We look forward to sharing more stories with them soon.


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