All posts by eadebbie.aitken@glow



Today, I should like you to write some VCOP paragraphs on Weather, using your notes from yesterday. You should explain to your parents what VCOP is!

Please then write out (any) 6 weather words 3 times on some paper or typed.

Please then upload these to Teams.


Please practise some of the trickier tables on Hit the Button. Nothing to submit here but please tick “hand in” so that I know that you have done this.

I should also like you to make up a simple Bar Chart of your own. Refer to the Corbett video if you need reminding how to do this.

Health and Wellbeing/Gardening

For fun, I attach a sheet showing you how to make a Bird Feeder. If you have time to do this, great, if not, don t worry.


Finally, to be kind, please say “thank you” to your parents for looking after you so well. Remember, this is hard for them too. Maybe don t tell them I suggested it but just do it and watch them smile!



I shall be online from 10 till 11 then 1.30 till 2.

Have a super day. Take care and missing you all.

Mrs Green





Good morning P4A. I hope you are well and happy. I am missing you all.

Your tasks for today are as follows:


As you know, our new Topic is Weather.  So, today, I should like you to research Weather and take some notes. You do not need to upload this to Teams but be prepared to use your notes for work for tomorrow.

I also attach a Weather Wordsearch so that you can practise your spelling of Weather words.


As you know, our current, out of number,  Maths Topic is Data Handling. Last week, we looked at Pictograms and you all did a fab job on the tasks.

This week, we are looking at Bar Graphs. I attach a short video on Bar Graphs and a Workbook Page to be completed.

Please ask Mr Dearie or I if you don’t understand.



Lastly, please review the attached Weather words (you may need to research some of them). Then please make a poster with words and pictures demonstrating your understanding of these French words.

French Weather Poster

I shall be online from 10.30 till 11.30 and 1.30 till 2.30 if you need help or a chat.

REMEMBER, you must have notified Mrs Marshall or I if you are using eportfolios.  Otherwise, these shall not be checked.

Have a super day.

Mrs Green


Good morning P4A. Hope you are all well and enjoying this nice sunshine. Remember, tomorrow is a holiday,  which is nice!

Today’ s assignments should upload at 10am as usual. I shall be online from 10 till 11 then 1.30 till 2.30.


Please watch the attached video and complete the SHM Workbook page.


Think about and research planets. Use the attached sheet to plan your own Planet!

Design a Planet Worksheet


Mr Dearie has prepared a VE Day Activity which you can work on. This looks fun but is an optional activity!

This looks like a lot today, so,  remember, do what you can! Please don’t stress about any of your work!

Remember, as far as we are aware, no one in our class is using Blogs to post their work, therefore, these shall not be checked unless you let us know otherwise.

Have a super day! Missing you all lots!

Mrs Green

Friday 1 May – Daily Tasks

Good morning P4A.  Great that its almost the weekend.

Have a great day!

Here are today’s assignments.

Literacy – Continue the work from yesterday.

Numeracy – Please watch the Data Handling video on This will give you a reminder of how best to record information.

Mental Maths Challenges

For fun, I have attached some Mental Maths Challenges. Do whichever you like.

Nothing to hand in here but please tick “hand in” on Teams so that I know you have attempted these if you can.

Health and Wellbeing – Poster

Last week, you watched the attached PowerPoint about Food Groups and took some notes.
Review those notes and make a poster with pictures and information on the Food Groups, on paper or on the computer (painted, chalked onto the ground, collaged …) .

Art – Video/Colouring

There is also an Art video for you to do if you would enjoy it.

Have a super day. Remember not to stress about your work, just do what you can. Take lots of care.

Mrs Green


Good morning P4A. I hope you are all well and happy. We are super impressed by how you are all coping and the effort you are putting in to your tasks. Well done!

Today’s tasks are as follows:

Literacy for Thursday AND Friday –  I should like you to research the collective nouns for the following animals. A collective noun is the name for a group of something, in this case, animals.

Ants, Bats, Fishes, Foxes, Geese, Monkeys

Then, on Friday, I should like you to make a really silly story using as many of these collective nouns as you can. The sillier the better!  It would be great if it was illustrated but not essential. Please also use some of your amazing WOW words to pepper your story!

Please upload this to Teams.

Please also finish your BugClub book, ensuring you have answered all questions carefully and with lots of detail.

Also, on Friday, ask your family or friends (via video?) to test you on any spelling words. Perhaps have a virtual Spelling Bee for fun! Don’t need to submit anything but please hit “hand in” so that I know you have completed this task.

As far as we are aware, no one in our class is using their eportfolios to post their work. If you are,  you must let us know or they will not be checked.

Numeracy – We are now looking at Data Handling in Maths.

So, I should like you to do a survey amongst your friends and family to show their opinions on something. For example, you can ask about their favourite colour, sport or hobby.

You can give them choices or use their answers to generate your choices. Give your survey a bright and interesting title and use tally marks to record answers.

No need to record anything for this although please hit “hand in” once you have done it but keep your notes for next week as we shall use this to do further Data Handling work.

Please also test yourself on your tables. You can do this as you wish – painting, chalking, writing, Hit The Button … Just hit “hand in” to tell me you have completed this task.

PE – A PE lesson has also been loaded for you.

Have a great day!

Mrs Green



Friday 24 April – Daily Tasks

Good morning P4A. I hope you are all well and happy, ready to enjoy your weekend!

Your tasks for today are as follows:


Choose an Activity from your Spelling Grid (found on this page) and complete on a piece of paper. Please then upload to Teams or your eportfolio.

Then finish and illustrate your Easter writing and hand in to Teams or load to your eportfolio.


Please find the Time Individual Practice Game 28 Marching Madness (2 dot) and play this. There is nothing to upload here but please tick the “hand in” button so that I know that you have done it.


On a piece of paper, I should like you to draw 6 to 8 clocks and draw the times on them (it might be easier to use different colours for each hand so that it is clear which is which). Remember the big hand is for the minutes and the small hand is for the hour).

Underneath, I should like you to write the times in one or two ways, eg 2.15 and quarter past two

Health and Wellbeing

We are going to be learning about Food Groups. Therefore, I should like you to watch the attached Powerpoint and take some notes.

Food Groups

You don’t need to hand anything in but please keep your notes as we shall be using them next week.  Please also tick hand in so that I know that you have done this.

Don’t worry if you cant access the Powerpoint for some reason, just get some notes from Google by searching “food groups”.

Boys and girls, please do not stress about this work. Just do what you can manage and keep happy!

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Green

Thursday 23 April Work for P4A


Good morning P4A!  I hope that you are all well and happy. It sounds like most of you had a lovely Easter break and I look forward to reading about that.

The  tasks for today will go live at 10am as usual,  as well as the tasks for Friday,  so that you and your parents can manage work as suits your family.  Remember that parents have work to do too and that you can only ask for their help in between their own work. Be kind to each other so that nobody in your family falls out!

Thursday 23 April – Literacy Tasks

Please write out your Spelling words for this week 3 times (checking of course that the spelling was correct the first time!).  Then upload this to Teams.

You should let me know if you are unable to load to Teams so that I can check your eportfolio separately. As far as I am aware, no one in our class has needed to use eportfolios rather than Teams so I shall not be checking these unless you let me know otherwise.

For your Writing Exercise this week, I should like you to use the Easter words you have learned (or new ones if you wish) to write at least two paragraphs about the real meaning of Easter.  You may consult the Internet, books or an adult but please write the explanation in your own words. Please then upload to Teams.

Thursday 23 April – Numeracy Tasks


I should like you to play the Hit The Button (Topmarks) Time Games.  This relates to your Time work. You don’t need to upload anything but please hit “hand in” on Teams so that I know you have done this work.

Textbook Work

Please complete Page 87 of SHM with the focus on Time.

You should write or type this and upload to Teams.

Thursday 23 April – French

We are revising the names for family in French. Please find attached some labels for family names.  Please look at these and try to learn some of them.

French Family Cards

Then, please draw some pictures of your family on paper/computer. Then label them with the French names. You can add any other family members you like (look at Google for help).

Please upload this to Teams.

Thursday 23 April – PE

There is also a PE activity to do, if you haven’t already done it.

Remember, it’s ok if you cant manage all the work, do what you can.

I shall be online from 10 till 11 then 1.30 till 2.30. Let me know if you need help or a chat.

Take lots of care and have a super day!

Mrs Green


Good morning P4a.

I hope you are well and getting excited about the holidays!

Today’s work is as follows:


Finish your BugClub book giving careful answers.

Write a few sentences using our VCOP strategies about what makes you happy!

Remember capital letters, full stops, WOW words and exclamation marks! Please upload to Teams.


Play Sumdog to see if you can beat your own previous scores or those of your classmates!

Do ActiveLearn Starfish Money Game 10  (2 dots).

Nothing to upload here in light of the upcoming holidays!


Play the Numbers to 20 Game as attached.

French Numbers Game

Write your numbers to 10 (or 20 if you can) in Rainbow writing.

Please upload this to Teams.

There is also an Art Activity to enjoy.

Have a great day!



Good morning P4a. Mrs Green here.  I hope you are all well and happy. I am very proud of how you are all coping with completing your work and uploading to Teams. You must all be getting excited about the Easter break now, a well deserved rest for you (and your family)!

Your work for today shall upload at 10am as usual.  Please let me know if you are uploading work to your eportfolio so that I can check it. Try Teams again though so you can be involved with your classmates too.

I shall be available from 11 till 12 then 2 till 3 if you need help or to chat. Have a lovely day!


Please finish reading your BugClub book, due tomorrow. Ask an adult to listen to you read and use the most amazing expression you can manage.

Secondly, think of the Healthy Snack you made last week. On paper or on a Word document, I want you to write clear and concise instructions of how you made your Healthy Snack. You should use bullet points and check all spelling.

First, you will need to write a list of ingredients under the heading “Ingredients”. Next, you will need to write a list of short instructions to tell people what to do eg

Ingredients . 


.Mozzarella cheese

. Butter

. Lettuce

. Tomato


. Lay out your two pieces of whole meal bread

. Spread low- fat butter on each slice of bread

. Place slices of low fat mozzarella cheese on one slice of bread

. Add thin strips of tomato on top of the mozzarella

. Place lettuce on top of the other fillings and so on.

Please then upload to Teams. You can draw pictures to go with it if you like. You can choose any Healthy Snack you wish. It doesn’t have to be the one you used last week.



Select 3 times tables that you find a bit tricky and practise them on Hit The Button (Topmarks). Ask an adult to test you once they have finished their own work!

Next, complete Chapter 3, Exercise 2, TJ Money (on the Homework part of this page).



Do something kind for someone in your house.

Complete the attached Friendship Worksheet. Think of what you like in your friends and what you would like if you needed to make a new friend.

