Tuesday 9th & Wednesday 10th- Daily Tasks

Good morning boys and girls. Your assignments for today and tomorrow will go live at 9am and the hand-in time will be 4pm on Wednesday for most of them. The HWB/ICT assignment has to be handed in on Friday. I will be on here between 11-12pm and 2-3pm to answer any questions you have regarding work or if you just need a chat.

Remember that ‘Scotland Rocks’ competition is this week and you can go on from 2-7pm each day. Have fun and good luck.

*Can I please remind you that if you do upload your work on your e-portfolio that you let me know through the post on Teams*


Numeracy Tuesday 9th & Wednesday 10th June

Speed multiplication grid

Look at the link below- if you don’t have a printer write it out on a piece of paper and complete it that way.  Time yourself each day to see how fast you can complete them.  Choose the sheet you want to practise.

*There is a grid for 2 days on the sheet.  You only complete 1 grid at a time.

Times_Tables_Race_master 6x 4x

Times_Tables_Race_master 6x 7x


Division Games

Have a look at the link below and try to make your own version to play at home.  All you need is some paper, a paper clip and someone to play with.  You can make up your own rules- you could have a sheet each and see who finishes first or you could take turns about.  It’s up to you.  Have fun!

Try to beat your scores of your times tables from yesterday throughout the week.


Literacy Tuesday 9th & Wednesday 10th June


Weekly spelling words

creature     capture     future     nature     vulture     puncture


Common words   

Monday     Tuesday     Wednesday     Thursday     Friday


Task 1

Using your spelling words from Monday try to write a silly paragraph using as many of your words as you can.  Try to be as creative as you can and remember to include all aspects of VCOP.  Remember a paragraph is not one long sentence but is made up of several sentences.  You can either underline your spelling words or write them out in captial letters, coloured pencils etc to make them stand out.


Task 2

Choose an activity from the spelling grid.  Try to pick one you have not done before.




You can write this out or you can word process it attaching pictures or photos.

Think about your year in Primary 4 and present in a way of your choosing.  Things to think about:

*Things you enjoyed

*What were your goals?

*Achievements- this could be in school and out of school

*Special memories

*What are your targets for Primary 5?


You can add others things of your choosing- this is your year in Primary 4 and I can’t wait to see what you produce.

You will have until the end of the week to complete this to give you time to make it special.


Challenge Calendar

*This is an optional assignment*

Remember to check the Weekly Challenge Calendar channel to see what the challenges are each day.






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