Term 3 curricular update

Welcome back after the Easter break! Primary 1 are ready to learn lots in their final term and are now officially in training to become very grown up Primary 2’s!!


This term we will be concentrating on our two letter phonemes (sounds) to further develop our reading and spelling skills. We will also be using our strategies to help us spell common words.

During reading times we will focus on our comprehension skills by asking and answering a range of questions. Some questions will have obvious answers in the text, but other types of question will make us think deeper about what we have read and will require us to “prove” our answers.

We will be writing sentences independently and using our imaginations to create stories with a beginning, middle and end.

To develop our talking and listening skills, we will be giving each other instructions and presenting to our groups.


We have been learning about Money, discussing different ways of paying for things and exploring the coins up to £2. We will develop our skills in selecting appropriate coins to pay for items in our shop and café, with some children being challenged to calculate the required change.

Throughout the term we will revisit our addition and subtraction skills, ensuring that we are aware of which strategies we can use to help us. These skills can then be applied to some real life and play scenarios.

Sharing out will also be a focus this term, exploring how to “split” quantities into equal groups or set amounts.

For our “Beyond Number” focus we will be concentrating on Measure, Position and Movement and Data Handling.

Our Position and Movement skills will be a focus for Outdoor Learning and will have cross-curricular links with Technology, when we use our programmable Bee Bots.

Measure will take place through lots of play activities, allowing the children to explore what to measure and how to do it. The children will sort according to size, weight and will experiment with non-standard units eg cubes, hands, feet etc.


“God’s Loving Plan” is our focus for the first part of the term. During this component of RE the children will consider the people in their lives who take care of them, those who help us in our wider communities and the love and care required to look after a baby. The children will thank God for the love He has surrounded us with.

Interdisciplinary Learning

We will continue with our “Sun, Moon and Stars” topic at the start of term before introducing our final topic; “Our Community”.

During this topic we will explore our local surroundings, observing and recording places/ buildings of interest to allow us to create a model and map of the area. Following this we will look at shops and services in our community, considering the various roles people play.

Health & Well-Being

During our final term we will participate in Health Week, taking part in lots of fun activities involving physical health, emotional health, internet safety and healthy eating.

Our focus for PE will be Athletics and we are fortunate enough to have our sports coordinator Mark Devlin running “Run, Jump & Throw” sessions. Mr Bertoncini will also be developing striking and fielding skills.

Primary 1 have been learning how shadows are made! We had super fun chasing ours around the playground before drawing around our partner’s! We also noticed that it wasn’t only people that created shadows!