Curriculum Overview Term 2

Happy New Year to all our Primary 1 parents and families. Hope everyone had a lovely break. We are now back to working hard and learning lots in Primary 1!


In literacy this term we are continuing to learn the sounds our letters make. We have nearly been introduced to every letter in the alphabet!!! We will be focusing on using our knowledge of the letter sounds to make words and help us “decode” unfamiliar words.

We are becoming more confident in writing letters the correct way so we will be doing more writing in class each week. We will be writing sentences and remembering that each one starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop!!!

Reading books is a wonderful thing to do, in and out of class!! This term we will continue to read in our groups but will also be encouraging reading for enjoyment in our library. We know to use the pictures on the front cover and the title to give us clues as to what the book might be about. We will continue to make predictions about story books and will be starting to sequence the main points of a story.


Now that many of us are confident in working within numbers to 10, we are exploring numbers to 20. We are also continuing with addition and reinforcing our addition strategies such as “counting on” and “using a number line”. Some of us are working our way through the addition facts to 10, using lots of different toys and materials. We have also been exploring calculations involving doubles! We will be looking at the subtraction facts too and investigating how these link with addition.

Our “beyond number” focus this term will be “Time”. We will be thinking about day and night time activities to begin with, sequencing our daily activities into the correct order. We will be exploring clocks and particular times of the day that are special to us! We will be looking at how we can show an “o’clock time. Similarly we will be talking about the days of the week and months of the year, ordering these and exploring the corresponding seasons.

Interdisciplinary Learning

We will continue with our topic of Materials this term, exploring and sorting different materials from indoors and outdoors according to their properties and type. We will be creating things with materials, using the knowledge we have gained to help us select the most appropriate ones for our jobs.

The second topic we will be learning about this term is “Sun, Moon and Stars”. During this we will be thinking about when the sun and moon are in the sky, thinking about their position and relating this to day and night. We will explore shadows and how they are made. We will be introduced to some of the other planets and will look at their position in the solar system. As part of our interest in topical science, we will research space travel.


During RE we are thanking God for giving us His only son, Jesus, to be our friend. During Lent, in particular, we will be thinking of ways we can be like Jesus by being kind, caring, helpful etc. We will be trying to fill our purple heart of kindness with as many acts of love as we can.

Health and Wellbeing

During Health and Wellbeing we are focusing on the importance of personal hygiene, in particular daily tooth brushing and hand washing. We will also be talking about friendships and who we can go to if we have a problem.

In PE, we are taking part in a block of “Fun Fitness”, developing a range of skills using various parts of our bodies. We will also be developing our racket skills, learning to direct and pass beanbags and balls using a variety of sizes of rackets.