Primary 5 – Term 3 Overview

Welcome back after our Easter break ! After a well-deserved rest from our fabulous school show, P5 are already beginning their last term which is already shaping up to be fun, busy and action-packed! Here is a quick curricular overview of what we will be learning in our last term :

Literacy / IDL (Topic)– (Class  Novel -The Ice Monster)

Apr/May – We will continue with our topic on  ‘The Victorians’ and our novel study which links to this. This will support our developing Active Literacy comprehension strategies along with our Bug club readers at home/in class.  Listening and Talking  – Through links to our topic we will use this stimulus to enhance and develop our confidence as well as practising our feedback and  questioning skills. P5 will incorporate ICT into an oral presentation on a Famous Victorian. We will look at various curricular areas including Art (William Morris/Glasgow Boys), Science & Technologies (Victorian engineering/inventions). Alongside this, we will engage in Active Spelling activities in class where we will be consolidating our knowledge of our phonemes and silent letters/plurals with a strong focus on our stage common words.


Some groups will focus on Division this term whilst others will focus more in depth on Multiplication and Subtraction.  We will be using our knowledge of strategies learned so far this year to problem solve in our daily mental maths challenges. All groups will look at Fractions, Time, Money and Shape this term. Building more strategies to help us with our calculations and problem solving (Keep posted for blog updates on these). I have asked P5 to take home their ‘Thinking-it-out jotter’ which should hold pupil noted examples of core strategies from lessons to aid with homework etc. Please encourage your child to regularly practise his/her times tables/ division at home to help progress further learning.

HWB/P.E  – Mr Bertoncini will be looking at the world of work with pupils delving into Job specs and CVs as pupils discuss potential future career paths and how to positively represent themselves.In P.E with Mr B,  Pupils will be participating in Athletics and Orienteering this term as they further develop fitness as well as teamworking skills.

HWB/P.E  – Mrs McIntyre– In P.E, Pupils will be  developing racquet skills through Tennis and Badminton this term with myself, as well as covering athletics and other outdoor games. In health and wellbeing, we will be looking at food portions, healthy diets and changes in our growing bodies. We will be discussing mental health and wellbeing, being safe online. Most of these will be covered during Health week.

R.E – As this is the month of Mary, she will be our focus for our prayers and lessons. In June, we will be looking at ‘God’s Loving Plan’.  Further information will be made available on this in the forthcoming weeks however if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Finally, I want to personally thank you (parents/ carers/grannies & grandpas) for all your help and support  which you have provided your child with and myself over the past year, especially in encouraging them to talk to you about what they are learning in school.