Friendship (Health and Wellbeing Focus)

In class and through assemblies, Primary 5 have been discussing what bullying is, how we can address it if encountered and focussing on the importance of friendship this term. We have linked this with lessons across the curriculum such as R.E, looking at our chosen Articles as a Rights Respecting School through our class charter as well as SHANARRI. We have also focussed  on what makes a good friend? We discussed how emotions affect us and how we can seek  help if we need to by talking to our peers and teachers, especially if a pupil or friend is worried or being unkind to others. Also, that we must be very careful to distinguish clearly if bullying is occuring and not label minor fall outs and upsets between friends as bullying, rather recognise this as repeated patterns of verbal or physical abuse occuring which causes severe worry and upset. As a school community and class, we have agreed this will be dealt with immediately. We encourage positive behaviour and relationships at Mount Carmel and have a zero-tolerance policy to bullying. In supporting this, we looked at how we can be good role models in the playground, good team members in class, in group work, in P.E. lessons, as well as outwith school.