All posts by Mrs Cross

P6/7 Blog


This is the blog for Mrs Fisher’s Primary 6/7 class.

The class blog – to the right hand side of the page, will be updated regularly about what we are learning about in Primary 6/7.


I will upload the homework weekly, due for the following Monday on the Homework Blog page.

(Homework will start after the September weekend holidays.)


Our PE days this term are Wednesday’s with Mrs Murray and Friday’s with myself.

Please bring appropriate footwear and gym clothes (leggings, joggers, shorts with school polo shirt) on the above days.
Please note: All hair has to be tied up (or bring a bobble to tie it up) and  jewellery left at home on P.E. days.

See Term 1 Timetable below


Make sure you also check the blog every day for any updates. 

Feel free to message me on my email below if you have any other questions or concerns.

Mrs Fisher