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MATHS WEEK (25th-29th September 2023)

Everyday next week a MATHS challenge will be posted on the BLOG and Learning Journals for you to do at home.
PLEASE complete the challenge and upload a photo or a comment to your child’s learning journal as evidence of completion.
A certificate will be given to your child for taking part at the end of MATHS WEEK.
Good luck and we hope you have lots of fun exploring MATHS.
Lynnette (Numeracy Champion) 🤩

ECC Learning Week Commencing 18.9.23-21.9.23

This week in the ECC we have continued with children’s interest of nursery rhymes, extending children’s opportunities to explore this theme 🌟

I n d o o r s

The children have seemed to enjoy reciting a variety of number songs and rhymes, exploring rhyming words and identifying the odd one out 😀 The children have had the opportunity to explore rhyme through a variety of media.

Links to the Curriculum; Literacy, Expressive Art, Science.

The children have also seemed to enjoy exploring the traditional story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three bears’ 🐻 🐻 🐻.
The children made a map of the woods and the bears house and discussed the story and the characters in the story. They then used the small world resources to retell the story, focusing on the beginning, middle and end of the story.

Links to the Curriculum; Literacy, Expressive arts, Social Studies.


As we continue to develop rhyme throughout the ECC, some children seemed to enjoy exploring the play dough and it’s resources 🔢💫 Focusing on exploring recipes and instructions, exploring the rhyme ‘pat-a-cake’, discussing words that rhyme,  exploring numbers and measuring , exploring shape and size.

Links to the Curriculum; Literacy, Numeracy.
O u t d o o r s

This week the children have been exploring counting songs outdoors, ‘1,2,3,4,5 Once I caught a fish alive’ 🐠 🐟 Focusing on number recognition, counting and matching quantity to the number.

Links to the Curriculum; Literacy, Numeracy, Science.


Information below with regards to our upcoming October Stay & Play sessions and our October parents group. 

Have a lovely September weekend everyone, Cara.

Week ending 15th September 2023

We have now completed three full weeks into our new term where almost all of our children are beginning to settle into the ECC routine. Almost all parents/carers have had the opportunity to meet with key workers to complete care and planning plans. If you haven’t had this opportunity then please see your child’s key worker as soon as possible


The learning that has taken place within the playroom has been rhyming words and nursery rhymes.  The children have had the opportunity to role play their favourite nursery rhymes using puppets, story spoons, dressing up. They have been creative using dough and cutters leading towards rhymes  such as twinkle twinkle little star or 5 little ducks went swimming. Within the creative area the children continue to explore a wide range of collage and paints  enabling them to express themselves creatively.

Our numeracy focus this month is MNU: EXPLORING NUMBERS, UNDERSTANDING THAT THEY REPRESENT QUANTITIES AND ICAN USE THEM TO COUNT CREATE SEQUENCES AND DESCRIBE ORDER. Children have the opportunity to use the resources in our numeracy area allowing them to explore this concept and challenge themselves too.


Outdoors has been super busy due to the dry weather and the interest here has been building humpty dumptys  wall using construction blocks. Exploring the rhyme Miss polly using dolls and doctors equipment encouraging sharing and an opportunity to build relationships. Towards the end of the week children used paint and chalk to represent the song “I can sing a rainbow”.

Reminder next Friday 22nd September and Monday 24th September is a Hilda’s and the ECC will be closed.
Have good weekend
Lynnette x

Week Commencing 26.6.23-30.6.23

Our last week before the summer holidays has been filled with lots of fun and laughter.

Our ECC beach party was a great success 🏝️ ☀️ 🕶️

A big goodbye and good luck to all our children starting their new adventure in primary one in August we will miss you all ❤️  Pop to the ECC on your first day at primary one to show the staff you looking all grown up in your P1 uniform ⭐️

We would also like to say a big thank you and fair well to Cody who is leaving the ECC, good luck in your next adventure ⭐️
Have a wonderful summer holiday everyone and stay safe ☀️🕶️🏖️ We can’t wait to welcome everyone back in August 😀
Lots of Love from all the staff at Mauchline ECC ❤️

Week commencing 19th June

This week in the main playroom we have been continuing our focus on the modes of transport. We have been exploring the Sea aspect. The children have been using books and the iPad to research  information on this mode of transport. We have been also made a water tray to explore the concept of floating and sinking.


This week in the art area we have been exploring free flow art experiences. We have been making transport pictures for our wall display.  We have also been keen to use the Lego and magnets to create different types of transport in the small word area.



This week on outdoors the children have been dramatising the bear hunt, incorporating positional language.


A little reminder that we have our PEEP session next Tuesday morning if you would like to pop along.



ECC Learning Week Commencing 19.6.23-23.3.23

This week in the main playroom we have been continuing our focus on the modes of transport. We have been exploring the Sea aspect. The children have been using books and the iPad to research  information on this mode of transport. We have been also made a water tray to explore the concept of floating and sinking.


This week in the art area we have been exploring free flow art experiences. We have been making transport pictures for our wall display.  We have also been keen to use the Lego and magnets to create different types of transport in the small word area.



This week on outdoors the children have been dramatising the bear hunt, incorporating positional language.


A little reminder that we have our PEEP session next Tuesday morning if you would like to pop along.

Have a lovely weekend everyone, Alyson.