All posts by Lynnette Cook
Tuesday 26th September 2023
Monday 25th September 2023
MATHS WEEK (25th-29th September 2023)
PLEASE complete the challenge and upload a photo or a comment to your child’s learning journal as evidence of completion.
Week ending 15th September 2023
We have now completed three full weeks into our new term where almost all of our children are beginning to settle into the ECC routine. Almost all parents/carers have had the opportunity to meet with key workers to complete care and planning plans. If you haven’t had this opportunity then please see your child’s key worker as soon as possible
The learning that has taken place within the playroom has been rhyming words and nursery rhymes. The children have had the opportunity to role play their favourite nursery rhymes using puppets, story spoons, dressing up. They have been creative using dough and cutters leading towards rhymes such as twinkle twinkle little star or 5 little ducks went swimming. Within the creative area the children continue to explore a wide range of collage and paints enabling them to express themselves creatively.
Our numeracy focus this month is MNU: EXPLORING NUMBERS, UNDERSTANDING THAT THEY REPRESENT QUANTITIES AND ICAN USE THEM TO COUNT CREATE SEQUENCES AND DESCRIBE ORDER. Children have the opportunity to use the resources in our numeracy area allowing them to explore this concept and challenge themselves too.
Outdoors has been super busy due to the dry weather and the interest here has been building humpty dumptys wall using construction blocks. Exploring the rhyme Miss polly using dolls and doctors equipment encouraging sharing and an opportunity to build relationships. Towards the end of the week children used paint and chalk to represent the song “I can sing a rainbow”.
Week ending 26th may 2023
Health week
Busy week within the ECC this week celebrating health week.
Indoors we explored healthy foods and have a veg shop set up for imaginative play, this also led to exploring money and the value of coins.
Children created their own eat well plates in the creative area sharing their knowledge and interpretation of what they think is healthy foods. Also children used mirrors to talk about their feelings and were able to make self portrait.
Outdoors, Jan our HWB champion led the children in a variety of activities daily to support exercise and well-being.
We also had a few visitors through the week PC McPike, active schools and children took part in “potted sports” with help from p6 buddies.
Remember ECC is closed Friday 26th, Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th. We will reopen Wednesday 31st May.
Have a fab weekend
Lynnette x
Week beginning 20th march 2023
Indoor learning
Children have taken a real interest in bugs following on from our visitor on Friday. They have been exploring all kinds of insects from spiders to millipedes and made an imaginary bug hotel to role play indoors.
Some children have been investigating the life cycle of bugs and how they stay alive. They have been using their scrap books to explore literacy and their drawings.
Within the creative area children have been using craft materials to represent their own bugs, looking at how many kegs they have, the pattern of their skin to name a few learning skills. This has been in both craft and dough.
Outdoor Learning
Almost all children have continued to show an interest in how to look after a baby and with the weather being slightly warmer this week they got the opportunity to bath their babies and share their knowledge with each other.
They have also continued using the construction but instead of towers they have been exploring obstacle courses again using knowledge they have gained from previous learning. They were still keen to use the measuring resources too.
We have completed our den building task up the woods where all 3 groups were challenged to build a shelter to have their snack. Each group did a different den and built up life long skills doing so.
Play & stay session are next week so check board at entrance for your day! Monday is RED group.
have fun weekend, Lynnette x
Week beginning 20th February 2023
Indoors the children continued to learn about dinosaurs. With a focus on dinosaur skeletons and what dinosaurs eat. Children took part in looking at the different sizes of dinosaurs feet and compared them with the sizes of their own feet. A display was made that is on the ECC playroom wall. Children used technology to research dinosaurs and to consolidate their previous learning.
Social studies, technology, literacy, maths and numeracy.
In the creative area children made a 3-D dinosaur using boxes, paint and glue. Look out for the dinosaur appearing in our reception area in the ECC soon!!!!!!!!!
Outdoors children focused on spatial awareness where they used bikes, jumping spots and small cars to learn about direction and where it was safe to go. Children explored spacehoppers as well to follow direction.
Health and well-being, RME
This week we had pancake Tuesday and for lunch we ate pancakes with fruit and ice cream that the children really enjoyed.
Have a great weekend and enjoy the dry weather by getting outdoors which helps ALL mental well-being.
Lynnette 🥰
Weekly update 2/12/22
What a busy week we have had!!
Children have continued to explore nursery rhymes and stories leading into Christmas where they decorated the ECC tree. This led to transient art with loose parts.
CFE – Social
During HWB time children listened to Pantosaurus and learned rules about pants and then made their own pants.
During Outdoor play they explored “The Three Little Pigs” and used loose parts and lots of imagination when retelling the story.
Towards the end of the week they have been practising hard for our ECC concert next FRIDAY 9th December please check the school app for up and coming dates.
Have a good weekend,
November 2022
When we are exploring outdoors as an adult, do we really use our senses to fully experience its wonder!!!!!!!!!!!!
Children are much better than us at taking time to fully appreciate our environment.
So over the month of November I would like you to try take time to stand still with your child outdoors and use your senses:
Touch (if appropriate)
Taste (if appropriate)
Your task is to note one thing for each sense that you notice and one thing for each sense that your child notices.
E.g. I saw a bird
I heard a siren.
I smelt fireworks
I touched leaves.
I tasted ice-cream
You will be surprised at what differences you may find. Please upload your findings to your child’s learning journals or send email to:
Hope you have fun!
Lynnette (Outdoor Champion)