All posts by Mrs Slater

ECC learning week beginning 17.4.23

We were delighted to welcome back all our wonderful children and families to the ECC this week and hope you all had a super Easter break 🐣🐰🎉

The children were very happy to be back with their friends and engaging with the learning opportunities on offer.  📖✍️📚📏✂️🎨

Curriculum links: Health and Well-being

Indoors the children have been exploring signs around the ECC and in the local environment. We are learning to spot signs and understand their meanings.

Curriculum links: Literacy

We’ve also been showing an interest in vehicles and designing our own cars.  We’ve been exploring the forces of push and pull through vehicles too.  This interest has led to learning road safety skills.

Curriculum links: Maths, Science, Health and Well-being

Outdoors the children have been enjoying the warmer weather and learning how to keep safe in the sun shine☀️🕶.  We discussed the importance of wearing hats to protect our heads and create shade for our face.   We’ve constructed shelters and dens to provide us with a shady spot to rest and play under.  This has sparked an interest in camping as the children have been making sleeping bags and packing their rucksacks to go on a camping trip to the jungle! We’ve also been constructing a campfire and learning safety around the fire.

Curriculum area: Technologies, Science

Have a lovely weekend 🕶☀️

Week Beginning 13.02.23

A short week this week after returning from the February break.  The children are still demonstrating an interest in Dinosaurs and have been creating their own fossils using clay and dinosaur skeleton bones.

Curricular Areas: Literacy, Science.

In the art and craft area the children were designing their own dinosaurs and giving them their own name.

Curricular Areas: Expressive Arts

Outdoors the children were still interested in designing and building obstacle courses.  They continued exploring different materials to use as cement such as sand.  The ipad was used to research and study different buildings.    The children were assessing their risk by building towers and jumping off of them.

Curricular Areas:  Health and Wellbeing, Technologies.

Children’s learning week beginning 19th December 2022

Final week of the year and the children have been busy in Santa’s Post office.  Wrapping presents for each other, sorting money and recognising coins.  The excitement of the season has been evident throughout the playroom with the children counting down to Christmas and still singing our concert songs.  We’ve been working on our mark making skills by writing Christmas cards for each other and delivering them from the post box.

Curricular areas: Literacy, Numeracy.

The children worked collaboratively on a process art project and made their very own Christmas tree. They are very proud of the outcome.
curricular areas: expressive arts.

We were treated to a fantastic performance of Beauty and the Beast Panto and the children thoroughly enjoyed joining in with the songs and dancing. “Oh yes they did!”

All that’s left to say is Have a fantastic festive season from all the ladies at Mauchline ECC 🎄

Rhyme of the month December

🎅🎄It’s the 1st of December countdown to Christmas is on!! 🎅🎄, it’s time to introduce our rhyme of the month. This month our rhyme is Sing a song of Winter ❄️

We’d love your help to decorate the ECC for winter.  Try making your own snowflake at home with paper or sticks and we can use them to make the Playroom feel snowy and who knows maybe we’ll get real snow in time for Christmas.


Children’s Learning Week Beginning 21st Nov 2022

The children have continued to build on their knowledge of rhyme by creating rhyming stews.  Most of the children are able to identify rhyming words and can say if a word doesn’t match in a rhyming family.  We’ve created our own rhyming stories and rhyming strings.  We’ve also been using technology to consolidate our learning of rhyming words.  We’ve been recording each other on the iPad and using the talking tubs to record our own voice saying nursery rhymes.

Curricular links: Literacy, Technologies.

We’ve had some time to relax during this busy season as we build up to Christmas (ssshhh!).  We had Yoga sessions with Jan and mindfulness moments with Jen.  The children enjoy these sessions as it gives everyone a chance to pause and reflect during the day.

curricular links: Health and Well-being.

Outdoor Learning

The supertato theme has continued outdoors this week as the children were matching the correct amount of potatoes to numbered pots.  Developing their numeral recognition and 1to1 correspondence counting skills.  They also collected data to find out the most popular vegetable and learned how to record and represent their findings in different ways.

Curricular links: Mathematics

The children have been busy little elves in santa’s workshop creating gifts for the Christmas Fayre as part of a whole school enterprise project.  Come along to the Fayre on Friday to see their lovely work.

Week beginning 29.08.22 – 02.09.22

🍂🍁September already! 🍂🍁

The children have been working hard on getting to know the routines of the ECC and have been settling in really well.   We have continued to build on the positive relationships with adults and children and it’s been lovely to watch the early roots of friendships forming.  🥰

Outdoors the tools have been extremely popular and many children have been using their imaginations to be mechanics and builders.  Lots of pathways and ramps have been created becoming more and more challenging throughout the week.

Developing fine motor skills and hand eye coordination by using the tongs to sort coloured animals and paintbrushes to explore mark making.

CFE: Health and Well-being and Social Studies.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we look forward to more adventures next week! 😊





Rhyme of the Month – September

It’s the 1st of September and it’s time to introduce our Rhyme of the Month – Humpty Dumpty!

Please can you practice saying the rhyme at home.  You can also have some fun and see if your child can identify the missing words in the rhyme.  For Example….Humpty Dumpty sat on the ??

Why not change the words too.  Humpty Dumpty sat up a tree.  Humpty Dumpty fell on his knee.  Have fun and play with the words.

Have a go ….. We’d love for you to make your favourite part of the nursery rhyme.  You could paint or draw it or create a model of humpty or a horse or make the wall from lego the list goes on……. BE CREATIVE!!  You can bring them in to show your friends in the ECC or post a picture on your child’s learning journal.