All posts by Mrs Slater

ECC Learning Week Commencing 22.1.24-26.1.24

Outdoor Learning

With 2 storms in 1 week outdoor learning has been tricky but we have still managed to access the outdoor learning environment when it was safe to do so.  The children took part in a risk assessment to assess the damage from the storm and helped clear up and branches the wind had blown into our playground. 

Outdoor Challenge: 

The children have been enjoying some new resources for our water area and they were set a challenge to hit all 4 targets with water using the syringe.  Some children were able to work out how to hit the furthest away target but projecting the water with more force.  We also measured the distance the water travelled by counting how many steps it took to reach a target.  

Links to the curriculum: Science, Numeracy, Technology.

Indoor Learning

At the beginning of the week we had a wonderful visit from Kay, a professional Highland Dancer who has performed in the Edinburgh tattoo.  Kay has been all over the world dancing and was very excited to visit us. The children asked Kay questions about her dancing and her beautiful costume then we were able to learn some traditional highland dance moves.  We were all delighted to watch Kay dancing for us and had lots of fun learning the dance moves.

Links to curriculum: Expressive Arts, Social Studies.

In the music room we used the dance moves that Kay taught us and we also learned a traditional Scottish Reel.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿This week we have been continuing to learn more about Scotland and how we Scottish celebrate Robert Burns’ Birthday.  We have been using the Promethian Board and the iPad to search for information to build on our knowledge of who Robert Burns is and we also carried out research by asking adults and children in the primary school to share their knowledge of Rabbie Burns with us.  

We have been busy practising our poem ‘In My Wee Rid Motor’ and on Thursday we got the chance to perform to the primary 7 children who really enjoyed it.  Then it was our turn to be the audience as the Primary 7 children performed “To A Louse” by Robert Burns for us.

Links to curriculum: Literacy, Social Studies, Expressive arts.


Don’t forget this weekend we are taking part in the RSPB BIRDWATCH 2024.  Can you spend an hour with your child looking and counting the birds you see? It can be in your garden, at the park or out a walk.  Check out your child’s learning journal for more info.  Remember to put out some bird food to encourage the birds to your garden and look after them this winter.  We’ll look forward to hearing how you get on.         

Happy Bird Watching Everyone!  

Jen x

Children’s Learning Week Beginning 20th November 2023

Indoor Learning

The children explored the music room in the school this week.  They were introduced to a variety of musical instruments, drums, maracas, bells and tambourine. The children focused on “beat” and learned to tap out their name  on the instruments.

Curriculum Links: Expressive Arts.

We have been beginning to introduce Christmas as it’s all the children are talking about.  Yes it’s only November but the children are busy preparing!  The elves  in Santa’s workshop have been busy making items for the Christmas Fayre.

The children enjoyed playing dance freeze with the grinch!

Outdoor learning:
New Mud Kitchen
The children have helped set up the new mud kitchen and have loved exploring it.  We have incorporated our home grown herbs and the children have access to the herbs to make their creations.
Curriculum Links: Science, Technology, Literacy, Maths.
Outdoors the children have been using the large construction to build Santa’s workshop.
*Reminder Christmas Fayre tonight at 5 to 7pm looking forward to seeing you there 🎅

🎃 October Rhyme Of the Month 🎃

October already and we all know what that means….. 🎃 Halloween’s Coming 👻
Please take time to practice our Rhyme of the month Halloween’s Coming with your child at home.  We will be practicing the Rhyme in the ECC.   Also if you’d like to create a Halloween Decoration at home for our Halloween Party at the end of the month we’d love to see your creations.  Choose a part of the Rhyme and get creative… You could paint a witch, or make a skeleton using chalk, or a flying Bat 🦇  Have Fun!

ECC learning week 26.09.23 – 29.09.23

It’s MATHS week at Mauchline ECC

Firstly thank you to all our families who participated in our home link.  We’ve shared your hard work with all the children and it’s on display in the ECC.  Well done.🌟

Indoor Learning

The children are still showing an interest in nursery rhymes and this week we’ve focused on counting rhymes and number rhymes.

The children used construction resources to build their own clock for Hickory Dickory Dock.  As well as reciting the rhyme we explored clocks looking at the numerals on the clock and discussing the concept of time.


The children have enjoyed acting out number rhymes such as 5 little men in a flying saucer, 5 little monkeys and 5 little ducks.

Almost all children had the opportunity to participate in small maths challenges involving number, shape, matching, patterns, colours, counting using both technology and maths resources.

Curricular Links: Literacy, Health &Wellbeing.

Outdoor Learning

They have been focusing on the rhyme 5 firefighters 🚒
Children explored the number track up to 5 counting the number that comes before and after, counting forwards and backwards.
Curricular Links : Literacy, Numeracy and Maths, Health and well-being.
Have a lovely weekend, Jen 😀

ECC learning Week beginning 5th June 2023

Indoor Learning 🌸🌻

Indoors the children have continued to explore planting and growing.  They have made colourful labels for the sunflower pots that will be delivered in  the local community.  The children have also been enjoying painting flowers and studying the art work of Vincent Van Gogh 🌻.

Curriculum links: Expressive Arts, Health and Well-being, Social Studies.


The first of our PEEP sessions took place this week and was enjoyed by both parents and the children.  This opportunity is open to all our families and is a great opportunity to spend quality time with your child in a fun and supportive environment.  If you’d like to join in next week just let a member of staff know.  They will run on Tuesday mornings from 10 til 11am.  Next week is a teddy bears picnic theme so bring along your favourite teddy to join in the fun 🧸.

Outdoor Learning ☀️💦🪣
This week the children have been building on their challenges set last week of positional language.  They’ve been exploring volume and capacity through water and sand and been pouring and filling using different sized containers.

Curriculum links:  Maths, Science.

Hope you all have a fun weekend and long may the glorious weather continue ☀️🕶
Jen 🙂