It’s been a busy week in the ECC.⭐️ Indoors we have been looking at road safety and the green cross code. We continued to explore small world, using vehicles and road signs through play. We made some road signs in the art area as well as recognising what senses we need to use whilst out and about.
Curricular areas; Health and Well-being, Expressive Arts, Numeracy
Whenever we go to woods or explore the community we make sure to sing our song when crossing the street.
🎶Stop, look and listen.
Before you cross the street.
Use your eyes, use your ears.
Before you use your feet!🎶
In the art area, whilst creating road signs, we started discussing shape and used various shape objects to create pictures. We are all becoming a lot more confident with shape recognition.
Curricular area; Expressive Arts, Numeracy
Outdoors we have been able exploring den building and construction. This links into our trips to the woods and also our interest in camping. We began incorporating animals into our play and making houses for them.
Curricular Areas; Health and Well-being, Numeracy, Technologies
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend⭐️