Week Beginning: 17.06.2024


This week the children have been focusing on writing their names and listening to the initial sound of their name and other familiar words, where they were able to explore this during a variety of activities. They have also been creating their own stories about “Starting School” copying the words and drawing their own illustrations. We have continued to explore stories about starting school and talk about how we feel going into Primary 1. Some children continued to explore number and learn about the concept of time in our “Maths Area.”

Links to the Curriculum:  Literacy, Health and Wellbeing,  Numeracy.
The children have been using a dice, looking at the formation of the dots and counting the them, they were also able to match the dots on the dominoes and look at the pattern formed when joining them together.  They also had fun creating various “water towers” and discovering how the water travelled through them, there was lots of mathematical language of : high/low, fast/slow, more/less.
Links to Curriculum:  Numeracy, Science.
This was the last week of the “Fire Pit” experience with Beth, we hope everyone enjoyed participating in it (and their toasted marshmallows)  also all the learning involved. A big thank you to Beth for making this experience safe and fun. 🔥🍡🍡

Only one week to go before the summer holidays, let’s make it fab and fun for everyone.🥳😎☀️

Have a great weekend everyone.
Jan. 🥰

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