Indoor Learning:
Continuing our interest in Space the children created their own space costumes using a variety of materials and boxes, they also made spaceships and rockets with construction resources, sharing their ideas. They explored books and gained information from the iPad when investigating all about planets. We read the story “Aliens Love Underpants” which was enjoyed by everyone and the children were matching, sorting and creating their own underpants, which they found really amusing 😊. This is now going to link in with our Health and Wellbeing topic where the children will hear the story “Pantosaurus and the Power of Pants”, all about a dinosaur who has a problem at school and his super pants give him the power to speak up, encouraging children to have conversations about keeping themselves safe.
In the art and craft area the children have been continuing to colour mix showing their knowledge and understanding about how two or more colours mixed together can create a different colour and which is their favourite. 🔴🟡🔵🟣🟠. They have enjoyed the playdough where they have been creating their own planets, stars, space rockets and Aliens. 🪐⭐️🚀👽
Links to curriculum: Expressive Arts, Technology, Literacy, Health and Wellbeing
Outdoor Learning:
The children have been engaged in the construction area, using thinking and problem solving skills to create different houses with their peers. The houses had walls, windows and doorways. We explored risky play as we had to figure out a way to keep our house from falling and we used our safety skills to manoeuvre loose parts. 🏠 👷👷♀️. We also created our own hurdles and challenged ourselves to how high we could jump.
Some of the children headed down to the Community Garden to plant our pumpkins that we started to grow in the ECC and learned some more about how to look after them, they worked together as a team to transfer the little plants into our large planter. We will be visiting the garden often to check on our plants and look after them. 🎃🎃