Improvement Plan and Standards & Quality Report 2023/2024

Mauchline Primary School & ECC Vision

Our vision for Mauchline Primary School and Early Childhood Centre is to create a learning community where every child is inspired, supported and motivated to work hard and try to achieve the very best they can, now and in the future.



Our Aims

We aspire to provide a safe, welcoming and nurturing learning community where everyone is included and respected. We aspire to motivate and inspire our pupils to be ambitious learners who are determined to succeed. We aspire to provide a curriculum which is stimulating and designed to promote challenge and enjoyment.

Improvement Plan 2023/2024




Actions required to meet this outcome;

Continue to use our robust quality assurance procedures to ensure children experience appropriate pace and challenge in their learning. Continue to embed Communication Friendly and Inclusive strategies and achieve Communication Friendly Accreditation. Further parental engagement opportunities – fully embed this within the life of the setting – Stay & Play sessions, parental workshops, book bug sessions and PEEP, for example. Involving other
agencies with parental engagement opportunities. Parental volunteers to support within ECC – Woodland Wednesday, to facilitate community walks and support with the lending library.


Actions required to meet this outcome;

Continue to support  children in the ECC with targeted interventions and support. Monitoring children’s progress termly. Continue ‘Targeted support’ groups for children
identified requiring Literacy/ numeracy support. Continue to further ‘poverty proof’ our school in collaboration with all stakeholders and utilise the Financial Inclusion Team and the HEART model to get support to families at the right time.


Actions required to meet this outcome;

Staff to participate in further professional learning to reinforce aspects of trauma informed practice, ASD, ADHD, nurture, regulation and raise awareness to prevent bullying; utilising the Respectme online learning.Utilise the Mental Health a Whole School Approach Framework again this session as a whole
school community to self-evaluate and plan next steps in supporting children’s mental health, building on the excellent work from last session. We will continue our journey towards the Gold Rights Respecting Schools Award.Our reviewed and updated Positive Relationships Policy will be finalised and shared with all
stakeholders to ensure a consistent approach, with the creation of a child friendly version to share with the children. In the ECC, we will continue to support our most vulnerable children who may require a quieter, calm space by identifying a wellbeing support area and include in staff planning rota to ensure nurture support and a safe base is available daily.


Actions required to meet this outcome;

Utilise the outdoor environment on a regular basis to enhance delivery of curricular areas and learning for sustainability. Provide further opportunities for pupil leadership, including paired reading and lunchtime sports 4sessions and to link with the wider community, including: Visiting the elderly residents as Ellisland Court to participate in intergenerational activities, Inviting parents/carers and members of the local community or local businesses to participate in a whole school World of Work week, linking to the work completed this session for STEM. Utilising outdoor areas, such as the local woods, to further build on the current provision within the ECC and extend this within the school.

Summary of the Improvement Plan; 




Follow the link to see our feedback from the Quality Assurance Questionnaire February 2022:    YOU SAID/ WE DID…

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ECC Parental Feedback October 2022


You Said We Did- Parental Feedback March 2023

You Said We Did- Parental Feedback September 2023

You Said We Did- Parental Feedback February 2024

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