Week ending 11th October 2024

We have had a very busy week this week leading up to the OCTOBER break.

Thank you to all the parent/careers who made it to our first STAY/PLAY  of this academic year. We have more planned throughout the year so keep and eye on the newsletter and blog for details.


This  week we have been exploring words that rhyme. Demonstrating positive listening skills which indicated good concentration skills for a period of time. Some were able to identify words that rhymed with little support, evidencing awareness and knowledge of rhyme. We have been using the Promethean board to further develop our knowledge of nursery rhymes where we have had to select the nursery rhyme of  choice and select the correct order of words.


germbusters! 🦠

As part of our health and well-being, we explored the nhs germ buster video and discussed the importance of hand washing. We then washed our hands following handy Andy’s 👋 hand washing routine, before returning to play.  We encourage you  to wash your hands before and after play, after the toilet, before snack and lunch and whenever you sneeze or cough and also if you ever touch animals. This helps protect you and your peers!

𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕 𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕝 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕥𝕙 𝕕𝕒𝕪 2024

Thursday, we explored world mental health day and discussed as a group various emotions and feelings they may experience throughout the day. Within the ECC they have the opportunity to explore emotions through the colour monster story daily and are able to identify and match feelings with colours.
As part of world mental health day, you have been provided with a challenge to complete at home of creating your own colour monster. Instructions are attached and if possible can it be returned when completed alongside the children’s evaluation on the front page 😃



We continued exploring concept of filling and empty using sand/water extending our vocabulary by using some mathematical terminology.
We explored our creativeness through foam using hand eye coordination and fine motor skills.

Children explore the changes in the environment collecting leaves and learning more about the season AUTUMN.




Have a great holiday,

Lynnette x

Week beginning 30.09.24

We have been doing lots of reading since starting back and Jen has been focusing on reading to the children to help them focus on exploring an author of the month. As well as this, we have been reading different stories to help the children develop their literacy skills by exploring what an author and illustrator do. The children have also been encouraged to listen for a short period of time to help develop their attention and listening skills.

The children have been exploring some autumn themes in the nursery. In the creative area with Beth the children have been mark making using some real leaves. They have been printing the patterns onto paper and they have loved using different resources like paint brushes and rollers. The children have also been playing with the autumn sensory tray. They have been exploring some animals associated with autumn.

Outdoors, the children have shown an interest with filling and emptying. The children have enjoyed using different containers to transport the water.  Next week we will focus on the language that can be used to describe the containers. By filling and emptying the containers the children were developing their hand eye coordination by focusing on not spilling the water.

Some of the children have been practicing their leadership roles by helping staff to carry out very important jobs. Some children helped Beth to take the recycling box along to the school which helps to save the environment through recycling. With me, some children have been selected to be my snack helper which they have done so well. They have helped me put out the plates, cups and water. They have also helped me clean the table. We have been learning about the pink spray and how we need to wait a little while for the germs to go away.
Happy Friday everyone😊 see you back on Monday for some more fun!👍🏻
Rebecca Thornton