ECC learning week 26.09.23 – 29.09.23

It’s MATHS week at Mauchline ECC

Firstly thank you to all our families who participated in our home link.  We’ve shared your hard work with all the children and it’s on display in the ECC.  Well done.🌟

Indoor Learning

The children are still showing an interest in nursery rhymes and this week we’ve focused on counting rhymes and number rhymes.

The children used construction resources to build their own clock for Hickory Dickory Dock.  As well as reciting the rhyme we explored clocks looking at the numerals on the clock and discussing the concept of time.


The children have enjoyed acting out number rhymes such as 5 little men in a flying saucer, 5 little monkeys and 5 little ducks.

Almost all children had the opportunity to participate in small maths challenges involving number, shape, matching, patterns, colours, counting using both technology and maths resources.

Curricular Links: Literacy, Health &Wellbeing.

Outdoor Learning

They have been focusing on the rhyme 5 firefighters 🚒
Children explored the number track up to 5 counting the number that comes before and after, counting forwards and backwards.
Curricular Links : Literacy, Numeracy and Maths, Health and well-being.
Have a lovely weekend, Jen 😀

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