ECC Learning Week Commencing 18.9.23-21.9.23

This week in the ECC we have continued with children’s interest of nursery rhymes, extending children’s opportunities to explore this theme šŸŒŸ

I n d o o r s

The children have seemed to enjoy reciting a variety of number songs and rhymes, exploring rhyming words and identifying the odd one out šŸ˜€ The children have had the opportunity to explore rhyme through a variety of media.

Links to the Curriculum; Literacy, Expressive Art, Science.

The children have also seemed to enjoy exploring the traditional story of ā€˜Goldilocks and the Three bearsā€™Ā šŸ»Ā šŸ»Ā šŸ».
The children made a map of the woods and the bears house and discussed the story and the characters in the story. They then used the small world resources to retell the story, focusing on the beginning, middle and end of the story.

Links to the Curriculum; Literacy, Expressive arts, Social Studies.


As we continue to develop rhyme throughout the ECC, some children seemed to enjoy exploring the play dough and itā€™s resources šŸ”¢šŸ’«Ā Focusing onĀ exploring recipes and instructions, exploring the rhyme ā€˜pat-a-cakeā€™, discussing words that rhyme, Ā exploring numbers and measuring , exploring shape and size.

Links to the Curriculum; Literacy, Numeracy.
O u t d o o r s

This week the children have been exploring counting songs outdoors, ā€˜1,2,3,4,5 Once I caught a fish aliveā€™ šŸ Ā šŸŸĀ Focusing on number recognition, counting and matching quantity to the number.

Links to the Curriculum; Literacy, Numeracy, Science.


Information below with regards to our upcoming October Stay & Play sessions and our October parents group.Ā 

Have a lovely September weekend everyone, Cara.

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