ECC learning Week beginning 5th June 2023

Indoor Learning 🌸🌻

Indoors the children have continued to explore planting and growing.  They have made colourful labels for the sunflower pots that will be delivered in  the local community.  The children have also been enjoying painting flowers and studying the art work of Vincent Van Gogh 🌻.

Curriculum links: Expressive Arts, Health and Well-being, Social Studies.


The first of our PEEP sessions took place this week and was enjoyed by both parents and the children.  This opportunity is open to all our families and is a great opportunity to spend quality time with your child in a fun and supportive environment.  If you’d like to join in next week just let a member of staff know.  They will run on Tuesday mornings from 10 til 11am.  Next week is a teddy bears picnic theme so bring along your favourite teddy to join in the fun 🧸.

Outdoor Learning ☀️💦🪣
This week the children have been building on their challenges set last week of positional language.  They’ve been exploring volume and capacity through water and sand and been pouring and filling using different sized containers.

Curriculum links:  Maths, Science.

Hope you all have a fun weekend and long may the glorious weather continue ☀️🕶
Jen 🙂


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