Week beg: 8th May 2023

A busy week as always in the ECC. In the playroom the children have been setting up a shop with a tearoom in our imaginative area where they have been taking on the roles of shopkeepers and customers, they are also becoming familiar with the different coins , notes and their value. This will be developed over the next couple of weeks. The Bee Bots have been a big hit in our technology corner and the children even created their own Bee Bot city where they were able to create paths of direction for them to travel.

Curriculum links:  Imaginative play, Numeracy  and Technology.


In the art area the children have been creating their own Sunflowers using a variety of media and they are sure to brighten up our room. They also planted their own sunflower seeds and will look after them and watch them starting to grow in the ECC before taking them home to plant in the garden.

Curriculum link: Expressive arts and science.


Outdoors the children have been exploring the work of famous artists and have been copying the different styles of art as well as creating their own. They have also been incorporating science into this through looking at the colour wheel and mixing/making colours through water play.

Curriculum links: Expressive arts and science.
Looking forward to seeing everyone at our Stay and Plays next week, please check the notice board in the ECC reception for further information.
Have a lovely weekend everyone, hope the sun stays ☀️ and don’t forget your sun cream everyone ☀️😎
  1. Jan.

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