Week beginning 20th February 2023


Indoors the children continued to learn about dinosaurs. With a focus on dinosaur skeletons and  what dinosaurs eat. Children took part in looking at the different sizes of dinosaurs feet and compared them with the sizes of their own feet. A display was made that is on the ECC playroom wall. Children used technology to research dinosaurs and to consolidate their previous learning.

Social studies, technology,  literacy, maths and numeracy.


In the creative area children made a 3-D dinosaur using boxes, paint and glue. Look out for the dinosaur appearing in our reception area in the ECC soon!!!!!!!!!










Outdoors children focused on spatial awareness where they used bikes, jumping spots and small cars to learn about direction and where it was safe to go. Children explored  spacehoppers as well to follow direction.






Health and well-being, RME

This week we had pancake Tuesday and for lunch we ate pancakes with fruit and ice cream that the children really enjoyed.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the dry weather by getting outdoors which helps ALL mental well-being.

Lynnette 🥰

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