Week commencing 14th-18th November.

Outdoors: The children have been continuing with measurement/volume during water play.

Supertato has been a big hit, the children made their own Supertato hero which they were all very proud of. They had to try and save him as he was frozen in ice by Evil Pea,they tried melting the ice with hot and salty water and hitting it with a spade

The children were also playing ring games and working together.

Links to the curriculum;  Maths and Numeracy, Expressive Arts, Health and Wellbeing, Sience.


Indoors:  The children have been continuing  with rhyming words through songs and games and also odd one out. They have been exploring the new emotions mirror which they are now beginning to access independently on a daily basis.

In the creative area the children have been self selecting paint and creating Christmas crafts for the Fayre.

The Christmas fayre is on Friday 25th November from 6.30pm, hopefully you can come along with your child and enjoy the festivities and the childrens enterprise goods.

Links to the curriculum; Literacy, Health and Wellbeing, Expressive Arts.


Have a lovely weekend everyone. 🥰


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