Week Beginning 24th October🎃👻

This week has been super busy with celebrating Halloween 🎃👻 We have continued to explore the autumnal changes by incorporating our treasure hunt findings into our ECC learning experiences. Thank you to everyone that took part, we hope it was an enjoyable experience and we have enjoyed seeing everyone’s pictures and exploring what was found🍂🍁 We also had our Halloween stay and play this week which was lots of fun, we loved showing our families what learning takes place in the ECC. Playing in the slime was a favourite this week⭐️

Links to the curriculum; Technology, Social Studies, Expressive Arts, Health and Well-being

In the creative area we have been exploring Halloween and using different paints and collage materials to create ghosts, spiders, pumpkins etc.🎨🧑‍🎨

Links to the curriculum; Expressive Arts

Outdoors this week we have been making potions in the water tray and tuft spot, we have been mixing messy materials together and discussing the different textures, colours and smells. We have also been enjoying ‘what’s the time Mr Wolf’ where we  have to use our listening skills, counting and jumping skills.🐺⏰

Links to the curriculum; Numeracy, Science, Health and Well-being

To everyone celebrating Halloween tonight and over the weekend/Monday, stay safe and have lots of fun🎃👻


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