Week beginning 29.08.22 – 02.09.22

🍂🍁September already! 🍂🍁

The children have been working hard on getting to know the routines of the ECC and have been settling in really well.   We have continued to build on the positive relationships with adults and children and it’s been lovely to watch the early roots of friendships forming.  🥰

Outdoors the tools have been extremely popular and many children have been using their imaginations to be mechanics and builders.  Lots of pathways and ramps have been created becoming more and more challenging throughout the week.

Developing fine motor skills and hand eye coordination by using the tongs to sort coloured animals and paintbrushes to explore mark making.

CFE: Health and Well-being and Social Studies.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we look forward to more adventures next week! 😊





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