RSPB Bird Watch Challenge

The RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2021 needs your help!

The RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch will take place Friday 29th – Sunday 31st January 2021.

It is a huge citizen science project which requires YOUR help, all you have to do is watch the birds in your garden or local park for one hour and record what you have seen. It really is that simple!

Your results will help The RSPB detect if there are any species with declining populations that need focused conservation efforts.

Your results really are very important, even if you only see very few birds!

Please use the links in the school blog to access a guide on how to identify different bird species.  You will also find The Big Garden Birdwatch counting sheets, a guide to make a bird feeder and a presentation of last year’s birdwatch results.

Once you have completed the survey, please return the results to my email:  by Friday 5th February.

Remember to let me know where, what day and time you have seen the birds.  I will collate the data and notify RSPB.

Thank you for your help and happy bird watching!

Geraldine Mangan


Under 5s Counting Sheet

7-11 Counting Sheet

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