Home Learning 15.01.21

Good morning Primary 2/3.

I hope you’ve all had a great week and managing to get out for some fresh air in between the rain showers! Please send me in any of your work it really makes my day seeing all your amazing work!!

Have a great day and enjoy a well-deserved break this weekend.

My email address is – eacaroline.webb@glow.sch.uk


Continue with your sumdog challenge this week. You might find a coin reward on sumdog if you’ve been logging in 🙂



Yesterday we were looking at shapes that have two equal parts – we call these HALVES.  Today we are looking at shapes that can be split into 4 equal parts. We call each of these parts QUARTERS. When you think about halves and quarters think about a clock. When its half past – the hand is half way around the clock. When its quarter past the hand is a quarter way around the clock.

Click the link below for an introduction to quarters.

quarter powerpoint

Your task today is to take out this worksheet from your pack – its similar to the worksheet you used yesterday. It has a number 2 at the top.

With supervision – Carefully cut each shape out and experiment with it by folding each shape in half and then half again. When you unfold it you should have 4 equal parts. We call each of these parts a quarter, 2 parts would be 2 quarters, 3 parts would be 3 quarters and 4 parts would be 4 quarters which is the same as 1 whole!

Do you know how many quarters you need to make 1 half?

The answer is 2.

You can use your ruler to draw two lines on your shapes to show the quarters and you can cut them into 4 equal parts then stick them into your jotter.



Today we are going to be looking at the value of a number. We have talked about this in class before, during number talks. The two phrases we talk about are quantity value and column value. 

Today we are going to look at the quantity value. 

Click the powerpoint below to learn about quantity value and your task for today.

quantity value powerpoint


Today we are going to use our newspaper plan to create our newspaper report. I really enjoyed reading through all of your plans and your headings were all very exciting and catchy!

Please click the link below so you can see what I am looking for. If you don’t have access to print this out, don’t worry about writing it all out. Just keep looking back at it so you can make sure you have covered all of the points.

Success Criteria for Newspaper Article

Here is the template you can use. You can copy this roughly into your literacy jotter. Use your plan to help you, you did all the hard work yesterday writing your plan so now you are just writing it out in full sentences adding a little more detail- remembering capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. 

You are reporting what has already happened, it Is in the past, we call this past tense.

newspaper template

Have a great day boys and girls. 🙂