Home Learning 12.01.21


Good morning everyone!

I hope you are all feeling good and ready to get busy! I was really pleased yesterday to get some lovely emails with your work in them. The drawings you did of yourselves really made me feel happy 🙂


Please get in touch by email to show me how you are getting on with the work. It’s really important for me to see what you’ve managed when planning what to do next. Parents please remember that we need to see uncorrected work to gauge your child’s understanding.



Yesterday you had a grid of all the common words to try to read and spell. There were 80 words on the list which you have all covered. How many can you read and spell? Make sure that the trickiest ones are the ones that you keep working on. I have attached  a blank wall. You could try to draw your own wall and write all your tricky words in the bricks using different colours and cool writing.

graffiti wall

Next week we will be moving on to a new phoneme.


Make sure you have completed all the bug questions in your new book. Your book will move to ‘My Library’ once you have read it.

If you have forgotten your login details, get in touch and we can help!

Each group has a similar task today. We have worked on retelling the story by drawing a picture and writing a sentence for the beginning, middle and end of the story. The first sentence has been done for you. Click on the links below for your tasks.

Ladybirds- Bug Boy Spider Camp

Glow-worms- Eco apes save water

Spiders- Cat is sleeping


Following on from our shape and colour patterns, we are looking at number patterns.

To get started, try some counting (use a number line if you need to)

  • counting up to 30- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…
  • counting down from 30- 30, 29, 28, 27,26…
  • counting up in 2s- 2, 4, 6, 8,10, 12…
  • counting down in 2s-20, 8, 16, 14, 12…
  • counting up in 10s-10, 20, 30, 40, 50…
  • counting down in 10s- 100, 90, 80, 70…

It might help to write out some of these patterns.

Click here for some help for this activity (the sound clips can take a minute to load up and play)

There are two activities to try. If the first one is easy, try the second!

Number patterns within 30

Number patterns within 100

I will be in school today getting your packs ready. Mrs Webb was in yesterday and has got lots of lovely resources gathered together for you. As soon as they are ready for collection, we’ll let you know!

Tomorrow, I will be working in the hub and Mrs Webb will be posting your lessons online.

Have a great day

Mrs D 🙂

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