Home Learning WB 7/6/21

Hi everyone,

Hope you all had a lovely weekend 🙂

Here are your home learning tasks for this week.


This week we are continuing our focus on the “s” phoneme. Your spelling words are in the document below. 

Please complete 4 different spelling activities to practise spelling your words (e.g. pyramids, rainbow words, bubble/fancy words, sentences, practise spelling test etc.)


Please access the following books on Bug Club:


  • Real Life Storytellers
  • Read p2-17
  • Answer Bug Questions on p2, 6, 10 and 14


  • Real Life Artists
  • Read p2-17
  • Answer Bug Questions on p2, 6, 11, 14 and 17


This week Diamonds are working on decimal addition. Squares and Triangles are converting fractions and decimals. 

There is also an East Ayrshire Contest on Sumdog which finishes on Thursday 10th June at 8pm, so please log on and compete as part of your maths homework this week to help us move up on the leader board!

Have a great week!