Homework W.B Monday 1st November

Hello Boys and Girls,

Can you believe that it’s November already? The weeks are flying in and I am having so much fun with you all. I absolutely loved taking part in Halloween activities with you all. You all looked spooctacular!

Please read below to find out what your homework is for this week:


Chimps- Dark Stone Eye (Chapters 5 and 6)

Sloths- The Quigleys Wild Life (Pages 21-30)

Toucans- Birds of Prey (Pages 2-14)  All at Sea (Chapter 1 and 2)



Blue- Copy your words 2 more times. Create 6 sentences using a different word from your list each time. Remember your core targets!

Yellow– This week we are revising our common words.  Write your words 2 more times. Complete a phoneme story using 10 words of your choice from the list. This week I would like you to use at least 2 question marks in your paragraph.

Green– This week we are revising our common words.  Write your words 2 more times. Complete a phoneme story using 10 words of your choice from the list. This week I would like to see you using a rhetorical question at the beginning of your paragraph.