Weekly Work Packs

Hi everyone your weekly work packs for next week are ready at the school office and can be collected during the following times:

Friday- 1pm-3pm

Monday- 9am-11am

These packs contain resources that we will use for our remote learning next week.

Friday 29th January

Well P3/4 we have smashed another week of online learning. I am so proud of you all and have loved seeing all your magnificent work this week. I really can’t wait to be back together again. Look forward to seeing you during our Vscene session where we will check out for the week. I think there may be a Scot’s themed game of bingo!



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Go to this Sway



Go to this Sway



Go to this Sway


Health and Wellbeing: 

Go to this Sway


Big Garden Bird Watch Information: