
Please read the attached information about Vscene. 

What is Vscene?

Starting on Monday, there will be a Vscene meeting every morning at 9.30am. This is like a FaceTime call. Vscene can be accessed on most devices. Click on the link below to access the parent and pupil help sheet. You will be texted a code to join the Vscene. Please do not share this code.  Only people with the code can access the meeting, this makes the meeting secure.

Who will join?

Miss Kerr, Amanda and all of P1 will be invited to join the Vscene.

Why are we using Vscene?

This time will be used for a daily check in. We also may complete some fun activities while on the Vscene.

Where will we join?

You will all join the Vscene meeting from home. You do not have to have your camera on if you do not wish to.

When will it take place?

This will take place every morning at 9.30am. It will usually last around 15-20 minutes but could be longer or shorter.

Parent and pupil help sheet-  

EAC_Logan PS_P1 Daily Check-In – 18.01.21

Contact Information – 

Do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about this. eaemma.kerr@glow.sch.uk