All posts by Mrs MacColl

Welcome Back

It has been a delight to have our youngest learners back at Logan and we are amazed at how they have all grown and developed in such a short time.  We hope that you found the links to learning on our blog useful and it very much mirrors the types of  play based learning your children are involved in at the ECC.

We are also thinking around transition to P1 for and readiness for reading and writing. The first steps  are around phonological awareness . In the ECC we support the development of skills in hearing  and identifying the sounds within words. You can help support your child with this using some of the play ideas in our parent Ellat handbook. Many of these activities , such as nursery rhymes will  you will probably already do with your child but there are lots of other suggestions.       ELLAT Parent pack (single A4 sheet printables)

Have a look and have a go !!!