In SLC1a we had lots of fun exploring Bonfire’s night celebrations. We made bonfire biscuits, played in our role play area of a food stall and even made our own firework ribbon dance. Here are a few photos and a link to all our Bonfire photos.
In SLC1a we had lots of fun exploring Bonfire’s night celebrations. We made bonfire biscuits, played in our role play area of a food stall and even made our own firework ribbon dance. Here are a few photos and a link to all our Bonfire photos.
Last week in SLC1a we had lots of fun pretending to make ice creams in the ice cream parlour. We also pretending to make our own cones using foam in the turf tray. On Friday we made our own real ice cream cones and choose all our own toppings. It was delicious. Click on the link below to see our photos.
Click on the link below to see the photos from our class so far this term. As you can see we have been really busy and having lots of fun in SLC1a. We hope you enjoy looking at all our photos.
SLC1a had lots of fun pretending to milk a cow as part of our topic on farms. We also learned the Makaton signs for cow and milk. Click on the link to see all our photos.
In SLC1a we have been having lots of fun since returning to school. Please have a look at some of our fantastic photos. Miss Stobbs has also added more photos to our castles photos SWAY and she will continue to add photos to this SWAY until the Easter holidays.
In SLC1a we have been having lots of fun with our new topic castles. We have been making little castles using junk materials and also painting to make the walls of our castle. SLC1a have a great castle role play area. We have been having so much fun playing in the castle. Keep checking this SWAY throughout the term and we will upload more photos as we progress through the topic.
In SLC1a we had lots of fun dressed in our pyjamas for World Book Day. We all listened to a range of bedtime stories and enjoyed hot chocolate in the afternoon as a treat.
Today in SLC1a we had a lovely time having Christmas lunch together. We loved the decorations and the fancy glasses. We also loved pulling crackers with our friends.