Communication Champions of the Week

Our communication champions this week are;


SLC1a – Well done to all of our SLC1a pupils.  They are all developing their communication skills in building new relationships.


SLC1b – Jake Love for using visuals well to complete activities in class.


SLC2a – Ethan McPike for communicating how he is feeling in the morning check-in and choosing his lunch every morning.


SLC2b – Euan McLeod for using his words well to order lunch.


SLC3 – Alfie Haddow for expressing his feelings appropriately.

Primary 7 Leavers Party

On Friday afternoon, we had a party in the playground for our Primary 7s.  We joined our mainstream friends for a festival themed celebration. We had hot dogs and ice lollies. Music played all afternoon and everyone danced – we even had a live singer! A great time was had by all. To see some of our photographs, please click the link.

SLC P7 Party

Communication Champions of the Week

The communication champions this week are;


SLC1a – Murray Smith for great talking about his drawings.

SLC1b –  Trent Biggs for being helpful towards new pupils and playing with them.

SLC2 – Sam Rowan for being able to express his feelings.

SLC3a – Alfie Haddow for expressing his feelings safely.

SLC3b – Liam Hamilton for trying hard in hosting the primary 7 presentation.

Rights Respecting Pupils of the Week

Our rights respecting pupils this week are;


SLC1a – Jake Love for great toothbrushing and learning to be more independent.

SLC1b – Ethan McPike for always making his friends smile.

SLC2 – Luke Harrison for working really hard all week and being enthusiastic about his learning.

SLC3a – James Smith for participating in work with enthusiasm.

SLC3b – Kayla Collins for her attitude towards learning since returning after absence.

SLC Sports Fun

The Supported Learning Centre had lots of sports fun today!  The 5 classes joined together and took part in many different games and activities in the playground.  To see some of our photographs, please click the link.

SLC Sports Fun photos

Rights Respecting Pupils of the Week

Our rights respecting pupils this week are;


SLC1a – Brooklyn Duffy for giving a friend a cuddle to make them smile.

SLC1b – Logan Cain for helping new pupils to feel welcome.

SLC2 – Luke Harrison for learning new class routines and helping to look after the classroom.

SLC3a – Aaron Ferguson for being respectful of his friends needs.

SLC3b – Kahli Wilson for being so helpful to Miss Lee this week.

Communication Champions of the Week

Our communication champions this week are;


SLC1a – Emily Ahern for making good use of the zones of regulation and talking about her emotions.

SLC1b – Tyler Saunderson for using a variety of communication tools.

SLC2 – Evan McClue for starting to be able to express his feelings.

SLC3a – Sophie Calder for showing her emotions with visuals.

SLC3b – Aarron Lindsay for taking part in the Rights Respecting School interview.

SLC 3 Dumfries House

As part of their personal achievement project, both SLC 3 classes visited Dumfries House last week.  The children were involved in the planning and organising of the outing, writing letters to Mrs Hastings for permission and to Mrs Kay to help organise the buses.  They had to Risk Assess their outing, identifying safe and unsafe behaviours and actions.  Now that they have explored the area and the available activities, they have to create an advertisement for Dumfries House.

Dumfries House Pictures

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