Communication Champions of the Week

Our communication champions of the week are;


SLC1a – Jack Hamilton for talking more and using more words together.


SLC1b – Calon Blacklock for learning to spell his name using signs.


SLC2a – Alexander Mitchell for helping others communicate.


SLC2b – Cameron McCutcheon for talking about his feelings and the Zones of Regulation.


SLC3 – Aaron Ferguson for careful listening, following instructions and completing his maths to a very high standard.

SLC1a Bonfire Night

In SLC1a we have had lots of fun taking part in a range of Bonfire and Firework activities. We have enjoyed our role play area being a bonfire night stall, making firework pictures, exploring firework sounds, making firework cakes and having a firework party. Please click the link below to see some of our photos for Bonfire Night.
Bonfire Night Photos 

Communication Champions of the Week

Our communication champions this week are;

SLC1a – Emily Ahern for great communication in different situations including new people.


SLC1b – Reino Berndtson for learning the names of some of your peers.


SLC2a – Evan McClue for being very helpful in class.


SLC2b – Tyler Saunderson for having good conversations with adults.


SLC3 – Amy Dale for her organisational skills, always prepared for lessons.

Rights Respecting Pupils of the Week

Our rights respecting pupils this week are;


SLC1a – Hamish Wilson for being responsible in the gym hall and following instructions.


SLC1b – Sophie Lennon for always looking out for her friends and helping them.


SLC2a – Ollie Leishman for working hard on all his jobs.


SLC2b – Jackson Stewart for listening well to adults.


SLC3 – Tyler Miller for respectfully holding doors for other people.


Dyslexia Awareness Week 2022

Last week, week beginning 31st October,  the focus was on Dyslexia Awareness Week. We wore a blue ribbon to raise awareness of dyslexia and participated in ‘No Pens Wednesday’. At the end of the week, we wore red in our support of the global campaign ‘Go Red for Dyslexia’ which aims to share all the amazing things people with this learning difference can do.  To see our photographs, please click the link.

SLC Dyslexia Awareness Week 2022

Rights Respecting Pupils of the Week

Our rights respecting pupils of the week are;


SLC1a – Jack Hamilton for engaging more in play and talking about models he has built.


SLC1b – Logan Cain for helping a new pupil to settle in to our class.


SLC2a – Sam Rowan for respecting his friends in the playground.


SLC2b – Cameron McCutcheon for being a good friend in the playground.

SLC3 – Harry Clapperton for his positive hard-working attitude.



Communication Champions of the Week

Our communication champions this week are;


SLC1a – Josh Withers for excellent engagement with visuals and our daily timetable.


SLC1b – Joseph Reid for great signing.


SLC2a – Katie Quinn for verbalising her needs confidently.


SLC2b –  Ethan McPike for using his words clearly when playing with a friend.


SLC3 – Tyler Miller for clear communication through his writing.

Parent Consultation

Dear SLC parents and carers,
We are keen to get your views on how we can improve our communication with families and provide further opportunities for parental engagement within SLC. Please take the time to complete this short questionnaire in order to let us know your thoughts and suggestions.

Wear It Blue Day 2022

Article 24 – The right to health care, clean water and good food.

Our Rights Respecting Schools Committee, here in Lochnorris Primary and Robert Burns Academy SLCs, wanted us all to enjoy a porridge party.

This is to raise awareness of the hunger that some children in other countries suffer and to highlight the super work we are all doing in continuing to support the children at Jebbeh Kiazolu School in Liberia.

Thank you for wearing something blue and making a donation.  To see our photographs from the day, please click the link.

Wear It Blue 2022

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