The World’s Largest Lesson 2023

As part of our Rights Respecting Schools journey towards the Gold award, we took part in ‘The World’s Largest Lesson’.

In 2015, leaders from all 193 countries of the United Nations made the most ambitious plan that has ever been agreed. By teaching kids about the Global Goals, they will learn  that a better world is possible.

Since then, we have made progress, but there is still work to be done, and the Goals are more important than ever. The climate crisis. Ensuring no one goes hungry. Human rights abuses. Extreme poverty. Problems of this scale can be overwhelming, but the Global Goals (also known as the Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs) are the solution to tackling them.

Within our SLC, we focused on three of the goals : zero poverty, no hunger and climate action.  Please click the link to view some photographs of our hard work.

SLC Global Goals

Communication Champions of the Week

Our communication champions of the week this week are;


SLC1a – Harper-Lea Climie for using friends and staffs names more to engage in conversation.


SLC1b – Amelia Mayo for retelling a story with detail.


SLC2a – Evan McClue for making good choices in class.


SLC2b – Katie Quinn for using words and pictures to create a character for her story.


SLC3 – Sophie Calder for introducing our video presentation at Assembly.

Rights Respecting Pupils of the Week

Our rights respecting pupils of the week this week are;


SLC1a – Hamish Wilson for being a good friend and checking on his friend when he was hurt.

SLC1b – Joseph Reid for having a great imagination when reusing plastics.


SLC2a – Trent Biggs for helping to fold clothes for the clothing bank.


SLC2b – Alexander Mitchell for showing respect by being kind and listening.


SLC3 – Liam Hamilton for outstanding knowledge and contributions to our World’s Largest Lesson.

Rights Respecting Pupils of the Week

Our rights respecting pupils this week are;


SLC1a – Jack Hamilton for taking part in all our activities for Global Goals. Jack loved litter picking.



SLC1b – Voi Brown for showing an interest in learning to read new words.


SLC2a – Laura Allaun for being very keen to help litter pick in the school playground.


SLC2b – Jackson Stewart for participating well in P4 maths.

SLC3 – Sophie Calder for her contributions to Global Goals activities.

Communication Champions of the Week

Our communication champions this week are;


SLC1a – Emily Ahern for great communication when going a message. Excellent communication about our work on Global Goals.


SLC1b – Lewis Keegans for super listening and recall during group time.


SLC2a – Trent Biggs for engaging in play with his friends and designing a game for them to play.


SLC2b – Sam Rowan for making friends across the school.


SLC3 – Tyler Miller for listening, talking and turn-taking in mainstream classes.

World Book Day 2023

On Thursday 2nd March, we participated in World Book Day across our classes.  We took part in a number of fun activities to engage with books and stories.  Please click the link to view some of our photographs from the day.

World Book Day 2023

Rights Respecting Pupils of the Week

Our rights respecting pupils this week are;


SLC1a – Emily Ahern for great discussion and enthusiasm when learning about the Global Goals.


SLC1b – Joseph Reid for always following class/school rules and setting a good example to others.

SLC2a – Cameron McCutcheon for caring about the environment during our climate change talk.


SLC2b – Jack Slade for working hard to make new friends and settle in well.


SLC3 – Aaron Ferguson for good knowledge of the Global Goals.

Communication Champions of the Week

Our communication champions this week are;


SLC1a – Brodie Rolls for excellent communication using a total communication approach.


SLC1b – Amelia Mayo for practicing our Scottish song and signs at home.


SLC2a – Eesa Pervaiz for offering good suggestions during our climate change talk.


SLC2b – Reino Berndtson for using symbols well to communicate.



SLC3 – Megan for using actions to show her friends how much she cares.

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