Yesterday was St Andrews day. Each class celebrated by participating in activities with a Scottish focus. We had a taste of haggis, neeps and tatties, washed down with some sugar free Irn Bru. To see some photographs, please click the link :
Communication Champions of the Week
Our communication champions this week are;
SLC!a – Hamish Wilson for great communication with staff.
SLC1b – Reino Berndtson for learning the routine of the school day using our visual timetable.
SLC2 – Euan McLeod for communicating well with new adults.
SLC3 – Evan McClue for sharing news about his holiday.
Rights Respecting Pupils of the Week
Our rights respecting pupils this week are;
SLC1a – Jack Hamilton for being responsible and demonstrating safe walking; holding a peers hand to and from our playground.
SLC1b – Voi Brown for contributing to our school Fayre by making things to sell.
SLC2 – Sophie Lennon for being kind and responsible.
SLC3 – Sam Rowan for kindly donating a prize he won to the school.
Rights Respecting Pupils of the Week
Our Rights Respecting Pupils of the Week this week are :
Emily Ahern for being a supportive peer and helping her friends.
Logan Cain for making good choices when he is feeling upset.
Jack Slade for being helpful in class.
Jayden Kerr for always showing respect for others.
Communication Champions
Our Communication Champions this week are :
Stewart McIlvaney for asking fuller questions to engage others.
Lewis Keggans for a super effort during speech and language inputs.
Tyler Saunderson for working hard to say tricky sounds.
Alexander Mitchell for working with others to complete a task.
Children in Need 2023
Thank you so much to everyone who helped us support BBC Children in Need this year. Your generosity will help children all over the UK thrive and be the best they can be. We had a SPOTacular time! Please click the link to view some photographs.
Rights Respecting Pupils of the Week
Our rights respecting pupils this week are;
SLC1a – Kolton Sweeny for engaging in play with his friends.
SLC1b – Voi Brown for always including his friends in play.
SLC2 – Ethan McPike for being kind to friends and adults.
SLC3 – Trent Biggs for showing kindness to his friends by making them crispie cakes.
Communication Champions of the Week
Our communication champions of the week this week are;
SLC1a – Jack Hamilton for good use of questions in context.
SLC1b – Reino Berndston for asking for help to open his snack consistently.
SLC2 – Katie Quinn for using her words to play games with friends.
SLC3 – Caiden Russell for joining in well with the class novel and trying to read along.
Communication Champions of the Week
Our communication champions this week are;
SLC1a – Emily Ahern for excellent language in the role play area.
SLC1b – Joseph Reid for successfully delivering a message to another class.
SLC2 – Ethan McPike for using his words confidently.
SLC3 – Trent Biggs for communicating his needs and wants.
Rights Respecting Pupils of the Week
Our rights respecting pupils this week are;
SLC1a – Harper Lea Climie for being responsible for her learning and working hard all week.
SLC1b – Kerr McCurdy for always keeping our classroom neat and tidy.
SLC2 – Amelia Mayo for being kind and helpful.
SLC3 – Sam Rowan for understanding and following class routines.