Rights Respecting Pupils of the Week

Our rights respecting pupils this week are;


SLC1a – Emily Ahern for great discussion and enthusiasm when learning about the Global Goals.


SLC1b – Joseph Reid for always following class/school rules and setting a good example to others.

SLC2a – Cameron McCutcheon for caring about the environment during our climate change talk.


SLC2b – Jack Slade for working hard to make new friends and settle in well.


SLC3 – Aaron Ferguson for good knowledge of the Global Goals.

Communication Champions of the Week

Our communication champions this week are;


SLC1a – Brodie Rolls for excellent communication using a total communication approach.


SLC1b – Amelia Mayo for practicing our Scottish song and signs at home.


SLC2a – Eesa Pervaiz for offering good suggestions during our climate change talk.


SLC2b – Reino Berndtson for using symbols well to communicate.



SLC3 – Megan for using actions to show her friends how much she cares.

Rights Respecting Pupils of the Week

Our rights respecting pupils of  the week this week are;


SLC1a – Harper-Lea Climie for playing and sharing with friends for longer periods of time with less support.



SLC1b – Voi Brown for completing jobs in class with his friends.


SLC2a – Caiden Russell for making good choices especially in tricky situations.


SLC2b – Euan McLeod for welcoming new friends and including them in play.


SLC3 – Arran Taylor for using the ipads and laptops in a sensible and safe way.

Communication Champions of the Week

Our communication champions of the week this week are;


SLC1a – Kerr McCurdy for using phrases when talking to give more during conversations.


SLC1b – Sophie Lennon for using signs and words to pass messages to other people.


SLC2a – Trent Biggs for having a super week in class and showing a great sense of humour.


SLC2b – Alexander Mitchell for using patience to communicate with new friends.


SLC3 – Aaron Ferguson, Amy Dale and Liam Hamilton for using great volume and pace when projecting their voice whilst presenting their Scottish poem.

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