Rights Respecting Pupils of the Week

Our rights respecting pupils this week are;


SLC1a – Kerr McCurdy for talking to our mainstream friends and initiating conversation.

SLC1b – Sophie Lennon for welcoming a new friend into our group and looking after her.

SLC2 – Alexander Mitchell for working in a safe space and tidying up well.

SLC3a – Harry Clapperton for exploring new foods with interest.

SLC3b -Liam Hamilton for good manners to all and a positive attitude towards his learning.

Communication Champions of the Week

Our communication champions this week are;


SLC1a – Lewis Keegans for great communication about our topic.


SLC1b – Eesa for successfully delivering a message to another class.

SLC2 – Sam Rowan for expressing his feelings well and caring for others.

SLC3a = Jade Bourne for expressing herself with kind words.

SLC3b – Kahli Wilson for trying hard to include her peers at playtime and in class.

Communication Champions of the Week

Our communication champions this week are;


SLC1a – Jake Love for making choices and verbally responding.

SLC1b -Logan Cain for talking more about his feelings.

SLC2 – Euan McLeod for making good choices and trying school lunches.

SLC3a – Alfie Haddow for writing a thank you note to show his feelings.

SLC3b – Amy Dale for working well in groups and pairs.

Rights Respecting Pupils of the Week

Our rights respecting pupils this week are;

SLC1a – Hamish Wilson for doing all his jobs with a smile.

SLC1b – Cameron McCutcheon for trying really hard to follow school rules.


SLC2 – Voi Brown for making safe choices when working outside.

SLC3a – Jade Bourne for being sensible during outdoor learning.

SLC3b – Lucas Walker for showing amazing effort in all his learning.

Communication Champions of the Week

Our communication champions this week are;


SLC1a – Kerr McCurdy for asking a question to a friend.

SLC1b – Ethan McPike for using a combination of words and symbols for writing.

SLC2 – Jackson Stewart for asking people to play with him in the playground.

SLC3a – Francesca Rutherford for asking good questions.

SLC3b – Kaelyn Renwick for engaging in all lessons and using resources effectively to support her learning.

Rights Respecting Pupils of the Week

Our rights respecting pupils this week are;


SLC1a – Murray Smith for taking turns when playing with a friend.


SLC1b – Eesa for always offering to help other people.

SLC2 – Alexander Mitchell for including others in his games and play.

SLC3a – Kyeron Dobie for showing kindness and respect to others.

SLC3b – Lennon Mills for trying hard with all his work and being super helpful in class.

SLC3b – Liam Hamilton for showing good manners to adults in and around the school.


Communication Champions of the Week

Our communication champions this week are;

SLC1a – Murray Smith for great talking and sharing his needs when he fell.


SLC1b – Eesa for interacting more with adults and children from other classes.

SLC2 – Katie Quinn for sharing super news about her Easter holiday trip.

SLC3a – Alfie Haddow for using kind words with friends.

SLC3b – Aarron Lindsay for showing good listening in class.

Rights Respecting Pupils of the Week

Our rights respecting pupils this week are;

SLC1a – Joseph Reid for always looking after our playground and being responsible with litter.

SLC1b – Sophie Lennon for playing with new friends in the playground with less adult support.

SLC2 – Caiden Russell for respecting wildlife and caring about creatures in our environment.

SLC3a – James Smith for joining in on class activities.

SLC3b – Ella Smith for having a positive attitude towards her learning.

Communication Champions of the Week

Our communication champions this week are;

SLC1a – Hamish Wilson for using visuals to communicate when he was overwhelmed.

SLC1b – Sophie Lennon for using visual aids to sequence parts of a story.

SLC2 – Alexander Mitchell for talking really well to describe the different emotions he has.

SLC3a – Megan for showing good listening.

SLC3b – Kayla Collins for making a great effort during languages week.

Our Rights Respecting Pupils of the Week

Our rights respecting pupils of the week this week are;

SLC1a – Joseph Reid for being kind and patient with a friend.

SLC1b – Logan Cain for making positive choices and interacting well with his friends.

SLC2 – Luke Harrison for explaining his emotions and listening to others.

SLC3a – James Smith for participating well in outdoor learning.

SLC3b – Amy Dale for showing good manners when an adult is speaking to the whole class.

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