Communication Champion


SLC 1a. Miss Stobbs Class – Harley Anderson for having a positive start to the new term.


SLC 1b. Ms McMillan’s Class – Marcus Shankly for using IT to share ideas.


SLC 2a. Miss McMillan’s Class – Murray Smith for communicating his thoughts.


SLC 2b. Mrs Gorrie’s Class – Cameron McCutcheon for having respectful conversations with adults and friends.


SLC 3. Mrs Blaney’s Class – Alexander Mitchell for having a positive start to the New Year.


Rights Respecting Pupil of the Week


SLC 1a.  Miss Stobbs Class – Jake Tomlin for being kind to his friends and playing responsibly  in the playground.


SLC 1b. Ms McMillan’s Class – Emily Ahern for having a positive attitude during key transitions.


SLC 2a. Miss McMillan’s Class – Calon Blacklock for being kind and helpful to SLC 1a peers.


SLC 2b. Mrs Gorrie’s Class – Trent Biggs for taking part in cooking and PE.


SLC 3. Mrs Blaney’s Class -Sam Rowan for having a restful holiday, preparing him for a new start.



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