Communication Champion

SLC1a Miss Stobbs class – Logan Cattenach for using his words when frustrated.

SLC1b Ms McMillans class – Kerr McCurdy for using your indoor voice in class this week.


SLC2a Miss McMillans class – Murray Smith for responding to visuals effectively.


SLC2b Mrs Gorries class – Sophie Lennon for signing her colours in maths.


SLC3 Mrs Blaneys class – Tyler Saunderson for sharing good information to his class.



Rights Respecting Pupil of the Week

SLC1a Miss Stobbs class – Cody Fitzgerald for always doing his jobs with a smile and trying his best.



SLC1b Ms Mcmillans class – Emily Ahern for always being polite and helpful.


SLC2a Miss Mcmillans class – Joseph /reis for being a super classroom helper.


SLC2c Mrs Gorries class – Cameron McCutcheon for making good choices when he is upset.


SLC3 Mrs Blaneys class – Jackson Stewart for working well during numeracy time.

Communication Champion

SLC1a Miss Stobbs class – Daniel Donnachie for engaging with others and beginning to play with friends.


SLC1b Ms McMillans class – Harper Lea for using great describing words.


SLC2a Miss McMillans class – Reino Berndston for using his words in context.


SLC2b Mrs Gorries class – Ollie Leishman for chatting nicely to friends in class.


SLC3 Mrs Blaneys class – Katie Quinn for giving super answers during our class game.

Rights Respecting Pupil of the Week

SLC1a Miss Stobbs class – Harley Anderson for a great start to P1 and taking part in all our class activities.


SLC2a Ms Mcmillans class – Jack Hamilton for sharing toys with your friends.


SLC2a Miss McMillans class – Lewis Keggans for being kind and respectful in class.


SLC2b Mrs Gorries class – Cameron McCutcheon for making good choices.


SLC3 Mrs Blaneys class – Alexander Mitchell for embracing his learning and showing an improvement in reading.

Communication Champions

SLC1a Miss Stobbs class  – Noah Reid for good regulation and talking about his feelings


SLC1b Ms McMillians class – Josh Withers for super contributions at group time.


SLC2a Miss McMillians class – Reino Berndtson for saying hello and goodbye to his friends.


SLC2b Mrs Gorries class – Ethan Mcpike for answering questions in group time.


SLC3 Mrs Blaneys class – Euan Mcleod for settling in well in SLC3.

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