Have a Go Board for January 2024

We would love to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024 ! (when it arrives)

In advance of our return to school in January, here is a copy of some ideas to support your child next term. Follow the link above to see our January ‘Have a Go’ board.

January have a go boards!

February – Numeracy Focus – Introducing Subtraction

In Primary 1 our Numeracy focus in January was on addition, counting in 2s,5s and 10s and also on odd/even numbers.

Our addition took the form of adding items, using our adding snake, number line work then written calculations. We also  used these skills in our play throughout  the classroom.

This month our focus is now moving on to subtraction. We start with songs about taking away-

The children will then start adding up actual items . Adding concrete materials. We will then start to subtract using the large and small number lines before moving to written calculations.


Literacy- Introducing digraphs/ double sounds

Please take time to revise all the alphabet letter sounds covered with your child over the recent weeks and months . This revision really helps as we move on in our reading.

In Primary 1 most of our pupils should  now recognise and can say the initial sounds of the letters of the alphabet- phonemes. We are introducing double sounds this week, digraphs. Our sound this week is sh. 

Here is a song and story below to support your child’s learning at home.




Robert Burns birthday and Scots celebration,

Primary 1 have been learning all about Robert Burns in January. The children have also been learning Scottish poems, songs and dances. We all had a special celebration for Burns birthday. The children made caramel shortcake and toasted Rabbie Burns with Irn Bru. We had a lovely celebration and lots of fun,

Primary 1L January Information for Parents

Primary 1L –  January Information


Dear parents,

Sound Work

The following two weeks are consolidation weeks where we revisit the sounds your child has been learning over the last few weeks. Please revisit all of the sounds in your child’s Blue jotter.



Please try to read to hear your child read their Bug Club book regularly and please remember to close all the bugs!


Word Walls

Please continue to help your child learn all of the words on their word walls. I try to assess them weekly.



This term I will be encouraging the children to start writing sentences and short pieces of writing on their own



Your child has been learning how to add over the last few weeks. In the following weeks we will be counting in 2s,5s and 10s and learning about odd and even numbers.


Topic / Interdisciplinary learning

Over the next few weeks we will be learning all about Scotland and Robert Burns.

We will be painting tartan, learning about Scotland and making our own tartan. We will be learning Scottish dances and or songs ‘Ye Cannae Shove Yer Grannie Aff a Bus’, ‘Stir up the Porridge’ and Ally Bally Bee’.

Please help your child to learn our class poem ‘Roguery Poguey’ for our Scottish poem competition.

Health and Well- Being

We will be learning about healthy foods , where some of  food comes from and trying to make a few simple recipes too!

Lots to look forward to!


Numeracy 28.11.22

This week we are continuing with add on 1 and 2 within 10.  We will now start adding any two numbers to 10. We have been using various resources both at the teaching table and independently for our target work –

Adding using part-whole model cards-

Adding using interactive computer games- numeracy target work-

Lost Property!


Just a wee reminder to all parents to please put your child’s name on absolutely everything they bring to school. Could we politely ask all parents to check that the  jacket your child has is their own. Sadly, one parent is missing a NIke jacket and the name is written on the label. If you have it at home by mistake, please let us know. Thanks so much 🙂

Numeracy Homework

Our focus this term is on the numbers to 10. Please take time to practice reciting them and looking for them as you are out and about with your child. We are also looking at counting objects to 10 over the next few weeks.


I will send home a number line for you to use with your child to play games together.

Thanks 🙂


Homework – Primary 1- all classes

At home, could you please practice the sounds and actions each week for the letters stuck in your child’s blue book? Also, remember to practice reading the words at the back of your child’s blue jotter. Please can you ensure your child returns their folder each day in their bag. Many thanks.

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