Serving the community of Rankinston

September 5, 2022
by Mr Stokes

New Roles for our Senior Class

A huge congratulations to our senior pupils in being voted into various roles within the school.

“The Stane Flare” have Carson as House Captain.

Carson,The Stane Flare Captain

“The Dookie” have Amy as House Captain and Mia as Vice Captain.

“The Bing” have AJ as house Captain and Jacob as Vice Captain.

Ruby, Hunter and Karli will lead the “Property Pledge” Committee.

March 16, 2022
by Mr Stokes

The Wan Show

As part of Scots Language work surrounding Burns’ Day Littlemill Primary and ECC created “The Wan Show”  which is a take on the magazine show “The One Show”, except in Scots.   All learners and staff were involved and I am sure you will find the end result is fantastic.  So sit back, relax and click the link for half an hour of top quality entertainment.

June 26, 2020
by User deactivated

Littlemill Lockdown Leaver!

We were pleased to have a visit from Finlay yesterday. Finlay has been our only Primary 7 pupil this year at Littlemill Primary School. Mrs Jess presented Finlay with his ‘Lockdown Leaver’ hoodie.

We all wish Finlay the very best of luck moving forward to Doon Academy. Our door is always open, Finlay. We are very proud of you – don’t be a stranger!

June 19, 2020
by User deactivated

School reopening model letter

Dear Parent/ Carer

Following the recent letter from the Head of Education in regard to pupil return in August, and her subsequent communication in regards to the return of all schools in the authority, we are pleased to share our proposed model with you in this communication. We ask at this stage that all parents and carers please understand that the model is still subject to national ratification next week but has been approved by East Ayrshire Education Service in this interim stage.

Firstly, can we thank you for your dedicated work with our young people during this period of lockdown, and say that we are delighted to be sharing our plans for welcoming them back to school on a part-time basis as per national guidance. In reaching our model, we too have considered the safety and wellbeing of our young people, staff and their families as we are so aware that this will be your prime concern.

In regard specifically to our school, please find the model undernoted:-

The school will operate with pupils attending in two cohorts – one of Monday and Tuesday, and the other on Wednesday and Thursday.

Monday Cohort A
Tuesday Cohort A
Wednesday Cohort B
Thursday Cohort B
Friday Teacher provides scheduled time for pupil/teacher feedback through MS teams


In addition to attendance patterns, we also know that parents and carers will have many questions, and we hope that some of these may be answered in due course.

Details regarding which cohort and which days your child will attend school will be provided next week through a text message. Please ensure your mobile phone numbers are up to date. If not, please contact the school as early as possible to update. Children form the same family will attend school and ECC on the same day. Some individual pupils will be invited in from time to time on a Friday to provide further contact and support. You will be contacted individually if this involves your child in August.

We shall also be operating a staggered drop off and pick up time for classes, as well as ensuring that markings, signage and zones are clear in the playground for pupils and parents.

We are also very aware that the proposed part-time pattern will not meet the needs of everyone, and we ask you to bear with us as we answer queries specific to individual family circumstances. A position has not yet been reached by the Scottish Government in regards to the provision of childcare for keyworkers for August, we therefore ask for your understanding that we cannot answer any questions on this matter until the position is declared nationally. Can we ask for your co-operation in bearing with us next week as we work our way through a likely increase in parental communications, and please also bear in mind that we may be welcoming young people back to school for induction at this time.

Information on emergency childcare over Summer holidays has already been sent to all parents and carers who have been accessing this from March, as this childcare will change over the Summer break, and parents will require to re-register for the new service.

June 19, 2020
by A Duncan

Parent and Pupil Survey

Dear Parents/ Carers and Pupils

As we progress further in our school renewal discussions, we are keen to seek the views of our parents, carers and pupils to help guide our next steps and indeed to review experience during lockdown. The results of this survey will also be fed back to your own schools individually to aid further discussion as we move forward, and will also be collated at council level.  We would very much appreciate your time in completing this survey. If, as a parent or carer, your children attend more than one school, please feel free to answer for each school.  Links as noted below:-


Parental survey:


Pupil survey:

June 8, 2020
by S Leitch

School Recovery June 2020

School Recovery, June 2020


Dear Parent/Carer,


I am writing, following Friday’s letter from our Head of Education, Mrs Linda McAulay-Griffiths, to provide further information regarding the arrangements for the re-opening of Littlemill PS & ECC for the week commencing Monday 22nd June 2020.


It is our intention that provision will only be for those pupils moving from our ECC and beginning Primary 1 in August and for certain individual pupils in supporting them to transition for the next academic session.


Parent and carers will be contacted individually by telephone to arrange days and times for them to visit the school.


Arrangements for Primary 7 moving into S1 will be facilitated by the secondary school with which they have registered and arrangements should be confirmed directly with them.


I am also now able to provide the class structure and staff for next academic session as follows:


Primary 1 – 4 Mrs Duncan


Primary 5 – 7 Probationer Teacher


Information regarding the education provision for August 2020 will be provided over the course of the remainder of this month.


I would like to thank you once again for your support during these unprecedented times.


Yours sincerely,








Simon Leitch

Head Teacher

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