Kilmarnock Academy

Keeping you up to date with information and events in Kilmarnock Academy

by Mrs Armstrong

Administration Pupils Take to the Pitch

A group of second year administration pupils from Kilmarnock Academy enjoyed an unexpected meeting with the Kilmarnock FC first team players. The group of pupils visited Rugby Park on a sunny but icy Tuesday morning and were greeted by the Under 21 squad clearing the snow from the pitch. Later the pupils returned to the pitch to see the players in action in training.

rugby park 1

What, may you ask, has meeting the players to do with learning about administration? Brian Sproul, the Community Development Coach, emphasised that administration has a big place in a football club. Brian delivered an interactive session with the pupils to show how the club uses IT – for example coaching session plans are created using football specific software and Microsoft Word; motivational and informational presentations for the players are created using PowerPoint.

Sean McConnell, one of the visiting pupils said of the visit, “it taught me that learning how to use Word and PowerPoint are important, even if you don’t think it is. Oh, and that Josh Magennis is a lot scarier in real life!”

rugby park 2

The visit captured the ethos of Curriculum for Excellence – that is building knowledge and understanding of the workplace, and finding out what employers may expect of them and what they should expect from employment. It was also valuable for pupils to appreciate the importance of their subject and hopefully pupils will be more interested and motivated in class.

by Mrs Armstrong

KA Administration Pupils

Kilmarnock Academy pupils studying Administration have recently been finding out about how their skills can help them in the real world.

On 13th January 2015, S3 pupils enjoyed a visit from Isabel McNicol of the Business Time Saver. Pupils were briefed on the importance of learning administration skills while at school, because that is exactly what the Business Time Saver provides. A diverse range of businesses and organisations ranging from golf clubs to construction companies use the Business Time Saver for virtual administration functions.

Pupils sometimes think that they don’t want to be a secretary in life but they may want to start their own business and become a mechanic or an accountant. Regardless of the end job in life, taking Administration can provide practical skills to take into any job.

by Mrs Armstrong

Internal Mock Interviews

The internal mock interviews for the “catering assistant” job were held last Thursday and the successful candidates were announced in the bulletin on Friday.

All the pupils will receive their application forms, individual feedback sheets and place in the interview order of merit this coming Thursday at PSE.

It is important that pupils are not discouraged if their place out of six in their interview group disappoints them. Often, it is indicative of a good group and pupils can be very close. It is even possible that if the interview had been held the next day or interviewed by a different interviewer that the outcome could have been different. The important part is – can the pupil put hand on heart and say that he/she prepared as well as he/she could.

The next round of interviews are the Kilmarnock District Mock Interviews. Applications for the 8 “jobs” on offer will take place soon. These adverts are on GLOW under Guidance and Vacancies 2015.

Disregard the ASDA advert as they have withdrawn this year due to staff being unavailable.

S4 pupils from Grange and James Hamilton Academies are involved in these mock interviews so there will be in advance of 300 pupils involved.

In the school mock interviews, all pupils were offered an interview but in the Kilmarnock District Mock Interviews. six pupils will be selected for interview for each job. These interviews will take place in the first fortnight in March as far as possible at the company’s premises.

Competition for interviews will be tough so it is important that pupils think carefully about what they write on the application forms. The pupils’ skills and experiences have to be tailored to suit the particular job they are applying for. Claims have to be backed up by evidence.

Please encourage pupils to look up company websites for further information which will help in their applications. I will spend further time with pupils who get an interview so that they are as well prepared as possible. The meeting to decide who gets interviews is on the 19th February.

I cannot stress enough how important this mock interview programme is. I am sure those of you who have been through an interview for a job will agree.

by Mr Ramsay
Comments Off on SQA – National 4 video clips

SQA – National 4 video clips

The SQA has produced a series of National 4 videos clips to highlight the options available to learners who are working towards, or have obtained, National 4 qualifications. The videos are aimed at learners sitting National 4 qualifications and parents/carers who may want to know more about the options available to their children once they have obtained their qualifications.
The videos highlight that there are many pathways to success and learners can make every day count towards achieving good qualifications and creating a bright future for themselves.

SQA National 4 videos

by Mrs Armstrong

Coming soon ……….

Option Choices forms issue dates and deadlines
• S4/5 issued on Mon 16/2/15 to be returned by Friday 27/2/15
• S3 issued on Mon 23/2/15 to be returned by Friday 6/3/15
• S1 issued on Mon 2/3/15 to be returned by Friday 13/3/15

by Mrs Armstrong

Congratulations – Future Chef

S3 Hospitality pupil Caitlyn Docherty took part in the Future Chef, Ayrshire final on Tuesday 13 January.

Caitlyn had to prepare a meal for two in 90 minutes. She prepared and served Garlic Chilli Salmon with Citrus Risotto along with a Coconut Tart with Passion Fruit Cream. We are extremely proud to report that Caitlyn won.

On 23 February she will take part in the regional finals in the City of Glasgow College followed by a formal dinner in the Thistle Hotel. Braehead Foods have kindly volunteered to mentor and sponsor Caitlyn between now and the competition.

We all wish Caitlyn good luck!

by Mrs Armstrong

Severe Weather Warnings

Please note that any disruption of educational services (ie schools and ECCs) overnight, will be notified through the Council web-site and announcements through West Sound and West FM. Can all parents and carers therefore please check the web site and local radio for any further information on this.

by Mrs Armstrong

S4 Mock Interview programme

Yesterday was the introduction to the mock interview programme. All pupils in S4 who attend PSE on a Thursday started to complete their application for a catering post. The form will be completed next week after the RE prelim and the following week (Thursday 22nd January), the pupils will be interviewed in school.

All the material for the interviews including the questions are on GLOW. To access this, go to the Home Page and Guidance and under each of the four houses, the information sheets are there. Parents and friends, in fact anyone who is in a job, can provide valuable insight into the minefield that is “being interviewed.”

Following these internal interviews, the pupils will be able to take part in the Kilmarnock District Interviews along with pupils from James Hamilton and Grange Academies.

Local businesses give their time and expertise to give our youngsters a chance to get their foot on the bottom rung in the employment stakes. In these wider interviews, only pupils who produce the best applications (six pupils per job) will be interviewed.

It is absolutely crucial that our pupils listen to advice and do their best when making application for both the internal and external jobs. Please give them your advice and encouragement.

by Mrs Armstrong

Former Student Receives Award in New Year’s Honours List

Many congratulations to former student Marie Macklin for being awarded a CBE in this year’s New Year Honours List. Marie is a fantastic supporter of both the school and indeed the town in general, and is thoroughly deserving of this accolade. A wonderful achievement and a fantastic role model for all our students.

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