Kilmarnock Academy

Keeping you up to date with information and events in Kilmarnock Academy

by Mrs Armstrong

Flag flying at half mast for famous former pupil

Flag flying at half mast as a measure of respect for William McIlvanney – one of Kilmarnock Academy’s most famous former pupils who died at the weekend.

Flag flying half mast for William McIlvanney


by Mrs Armstrong

Celebrating Mathematical Success – A Perfect 100%

Congratulations to Rebecca Bell (1W) who scored a perfect 100% in her recent S1 Maths test.  She was rewarded with a Dairy Milk Crunchie and kindly said she would share it with Ewan Rutherford (1S) who came a close second scoring 95%.  Well done Rebecca!

Rebecca Bell




by Mrs Hyslop

Christmas Lights Switch On

Please note that the Christmas Light Switch on event on Sunday has been cancelled due to weather conditions.  We have just been notified, so the Senior Choir will no longer be performing in Bank Street.  They WILL however still perform in the Ayrshire Hospice Concert on Sunday Night.  The rehearsal for this is at 1:30pm in the Grand Hall as previously arranged.


Please share this information, see everyone at the rehearsal on Sunday – 1:30 pm!


The Evening Concert begins at 7pm.  Pupils are asked to meet in the Grand Hall Foyer at 8:15pm at the latest.  Usual School Uniform applies.

by Mrs Armstrong

S4 Biology and Geography pupils

Follow the link below to see the work of our S4 Biology and Geography pupils on a recent visit to the RSPB Reserve at Airds Moss.  Pupils spent day recording soil data for use in their coursework assignments.



by User deactivated

France/Belgium Trip June 2016

The ballot for the Trenches Trip, June 2016, has taken place. If your name was one of those unlucky to be drawn you should have received a letter from Mr Reid by the end of the day on Thursday 18th November informing you of the result. The staff involved are very sorry that it had to come to this, but we are unable to source a bus large enough to accommodate all those wishing to participate.

If those students receiving the letter wish to be put on a reserve list please let me, Mr Reid, know.

All deposits will be refunded by cheque. Please inform me or someone at reception as to whom the cheque should be made out to.

For all the rest of the students who have paid deposits, but did not receive a letter, you will be going on the trip. If you’re not too sure about all this then come and see me.

Mr J Reid



by Mrs Armstrong

Proposal For Naming of the New School/Campus

The new procedures for the naming of the new Kilmarnock Learning Campus at Sutherland Drive, must be completed by Monday 30 November 2015. This is so that the Chair of the Kilmarnock Academy Parent Council can collate all the responses from the school and ensure that these are with East Ayrshire Council by the deadline of Friday 18 December 2015.


To make your vote count please click on link below:-


by Mrs Hyslop

Children in Need

Congratulations to everyone involved in Children In Need Activities on Friday.  A grand total of £1312 was raised by staff and pupils through a non-uniform day, junior and senior quizzes and KAs got Talent ticket sales.  A cake sale was also held at interval.

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Well done to all, and particularly to Natalie Miller, the winner of KAs got Talent.!

by Mrs Armstrong

Old School Photographs

There are a selection of class photographs available for a small donation.  Please see list of what is available.  Contact the school office if interested.

School Photographs


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