Kilmarnock Academy

Keeping you up to date with information and events in Kilmarnock Academy

Head Teacher Message – August 2016


Dear Parent/ Carers

I hope that you all had a relaxing and enjoyable summer holiday and that all are ready for the positive challenges ahead this session. It was a pleasure to welcome back all the staff and pupils last week. I must say that the young people are a credit to you as 99% of pupils were immaculately turned out in full school uniform. The new first year, in particular, looked very proud to be wearing the Kilmarnock Academy colours and the new S6 Prefects looked extremely smart in their new blazers. I would like to thank you, as parents and carers, for your support in ensuring the highest of standards at Kilmarnock Academy, it is very much appreciated.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all those who were successful in the recent exam diet; we are absolutely delighted with the performance of the young people, in fact they have set new high standards in attainment at the Academy. The S4 performance was outstanding with a 14% increase in those gaining 5 or more awards at National 5. This is a huge 61% increase on the previous year’s statistic. In S5 the young people surpassed predicted targets and in S6 there were new records set in those pupils achieving 3 or more highers, with an increase of 10%, and in advanced higher performance where there was an increase of 7%. The young people, staff and you as parents and carers are to be commended for the dedication, determination and sheer hard work that went into this success.
I wish all our leavers the best of luck as they head off to their chosen job, college or university course and, of course, I would encourage them all to keep in touch.
We welcome four new staff to the team this year. We have Mr Earnshaw and Mrs McAdam joining the science faculty, Mr Standring in business and IT and Mr Scott in modern languages. They have settled in very well and are looking forward to working with your children.
There are a couple of things to remind you of as we kick start the new term. Parent Pay in now well established at the school. Can I ask that you activate your online account as soon as possible to ensure your son or daughter can access the Metro facilities and pay for trips/ events. Please contact the office should you need any support or advice.
We have started a new tracking process, with the young people, where all stages will be tracked and monitored formally three times a session. You will receive either a tracking report or a full report to coincide with the dates of these periods. Dates of parent evenings and report dates are available on the blog under ‘Calendar’.
Kilmarnock Academy is part of a very supportive community, to that end can I ask those picking up pupils form school not to park in Columbus Wynd as this is causing some congestion issues and inconvenience to our neighbours. Thank you in anticipation of your support in this.

All that remains now is to wish you all a successful year and as always if I can be of any assistance please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Kind regards,

David Rose
Acting Head Teacher

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