Dear Parent/Carer,
I am writing to you at this exciting time to announce the availability of the tie for the new Kilmarnock Academy. We are now only weeks away from the opening of our new school and we are all very much looking forward to the merger of the current Kilmarnock and James Hamilton Academies and, of course, moving into a new state of the art £45 million Campus.
The new tie, which can be viewed on our blog and on our website, is a blend of the colours of both Kilmarnock Academy and James Hamilton Academy and was designed by pupils from both schools. In the interests of all pupils, the new tie should be worn from April 2018 with the exception of S6. For the short time they are in the new school, S6 pupils should continue to wear the current Kilmarnock Academy tie. The tie is available via Parentpay at a cost of £4.50 and also from local suppliers, in particular Ayrshire Schoolwear who assisted with the manufacture of the tie.
Please note that the new tie is the only additional purchase for the new school uniform. It is hoped that this sensible approach will make the transition easier for parents with pupils required to wear exactly the same uniform of black trousers/skirt (no jeans allowed), a white shirt, black jumper and black shoes. If there are any issues with financing the new school tie, please contact Mrs Wallace at Kilmarnock Academy who will be happy to assist.
Please continue to check the new Kilmarnock Academy School Blog which can be found at for new school information. In addition you can follow us on Twitter @WMCKilmarnockAc. I would recommend saving this link to your mobile device/ tablet or computer and checking the blog periodically for updated information.
In the meantime if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me or one of the Depute Head Teachers.
Yours faithfully
David S Rose
Head Teacher